Finding the Funny at Vikki Claflin’s Laugh Lines

April 24, 2015 Off By Lisa

I have finally figured out how to be in two places at one time.

Sort of.

A while ago I submitted a funny story to Vikki Claflin for her “Finding the Funny” serious over at her place, the hilariously accurate Laugh Lines. This afternoon, for the first time in like a week, I scrolled through my blog feed and saw my own face.

Wait, wha–?

Yup, there I was, smiling back at myself from my blog feed. It seems that while I was off chaperoning Kidzilla’s first grade field trip yesterday, I was also sharing a fun story over at Vikki’s place.

Awesome. This new superpower is going to come in very handy…

Join us over at Vikki’s place for a good laugh. It’s a story some of you already know. If it’s your first time, you’ll love it. If you’ve heard it before, I promise it’s the gift that keeps on giving – even I can’t read it without cracking up and I’ve told it a thousand times.

Ready? Click here.