Tag: books

What’s Next On My Reading List?

I don’t read enough. Well, actually, I read all the time – a news article here, a blog post there, and my daily dose of whatever Kidzilla is reading aloud. But all too often lately, I don’t get to sit and read something of my choosing for any extended period of time. Or maybe it’s just that…

By Lisa September 18, 2014 Off

Summer Reading with Kidzilla

Summer reading programs are simply awesome. As far as I’m concerned, any program that gets kids reading and introduces them to new books is awesome. Like many children, Kidzilla participates in our public library’s summer reading program. She loves books. She loves to read. Hitting the library opens up a whole new world of reading…

By Lisa July 23, 2014 Off

TToT – Summer Break Week One

I feel like I should have a whole lot more to list here this week and somehow I’m struggling to remember what to add. I’m also struggling with a good title and so please notice the lame one I’ve settled for. Since I’ve already missed half the weekend, I  guess I’ll just go with what…

By Lisa June 21, 2014 Off

TToT – Later, January!

Goodbye, January! I’m so over you. Why? Because Polar Vortex, that’s why. I never thought I’d be so happy to see the temperature read 32 degrees in my life. Let’s get right down to business. First, I’m going with the theme of being thankful for others’ happiness. Monday of this week, the Fab Hub took…

By Lisa February 1, 2014 Off

Read Any Good Books Lately?

I can’t resist a good questionnaire or survey. Ever. I’ve seen this A to Z book survey about fifty times or more in e-mail forwards over the years, and about that many on various blogs. Eventually, I cracked and figured I’d jump on board and give it a whirl. This was so much fun! Join…

By Lisa January 13, 2014 Off

What I’m Reading – An Everlasting Meal

I am late to Mama Kat’s Thursday link-up party, but this week’s writing prompts uh, prompted me to finally post about my current favorite book. For most of the summer, I have been digging into the pages of Tamar Adler’s An Everlasting Meal. I thought that I would wait to post here until I had read every…

By Lisa July 27, 2013 Off

Turning the Page

Time passed. Phase completed. Mission accomplished. My breath of fresh air last night gave me just the inspiration I needed to push through to these “ends.” Now I can turn the page, smooth the book open, and begin the next chapter.

By Lisa November 13, 2012 Off

Ten Things I Love/Hate About Me

Know that saying, “The more things change, the more they stay the same?”  It’s actually a French proverb, attributed to French novelist Alphonse Karr. An often-debated topic is whether people can actually change or whether a person’s nature is constant throughout his or her life. In considering this question, I thought of several things about…

By Lisa October 15, 2012 Off

How to Magically Turn a Box of Soup into a Dinner Delicious

Has the first day of school always been this exhausting?  Wow. Kidzilla made it through the first day of her new pre-K class with flying colors, despite her initial nervousness.  Zilla loves school.  Fab Hub and I made it through Zilla’s first day of pre-K and New Life Phase in one piece with only one minor breakdown…

By Lisa September 5, 2012 Off

Five Favorites for Friday

How’s that for some serious alliteration? It has been a really exhausting week for so many reasons.  I’m tired.  I’m drained.  My feet hurt.  And I desperately need a shower before I crash face down on the bed and pass out. You know what those days feel like, right? For today, I have just a…

By Lisa August 31, 2012 Off