Tag: rest

Saturday Morning Throwback

Apparently, Saturday morning cartoons are not quite what they used to be. I spent considerable time thinking about this over the last couple of days.  Kidzilla and I have matching sinus infections (lovely) and so we all took it pretty easy this weekend. On Saturday, all Zilla really wanted to do was curl up and…

By Lisa February 18, 2013 Off

Stay At Home In Your Pajamas Day

The Saturdays in our life are widely varied – sometimes we run errands or go grocery shopping; sometimes we go hiking or on a little day trip somewhere. But our favorite kind of Saturday is a day where we do absolutely nothing in particular. Fab Hub and I are pretty much homebodies. We aren’t huge…

By Lisa December 13, 2012 Off

Good for the Body, Good for the Soul

Late last week, I was feeling a bit run down.  Not physically ill, but more like worn out.  I know several other people – friends, colleagues, family – who have been feeling similarly or are actually sick. So I started thinking about the things that make me feel better when I am not well in…

By Lisa October 22, 2012 Off

Battery Critically Low

My cell phone is just about dead.  I just tried to use it and got a message that said: “Battery Critically Low!” Out loud (because I do that), I said to my Self, “yeah, you’re not kidding.”

By Lisa October 17, 2012 Off