Tag: Ten Things of Thankful

TToT – Fast Pass Edition

How is it possible that a week has gone by so incredibly slow and incredibly fast at the same time? And then the weekend did the same thing? It was Friday afternoon like five seconds ago…how is it Sunday evening already? Since we’re down to the wire here, I’m jumping in on the tail end…

By Lisa March 30, 2014 Off

TToT – Letting Go

I’ve been missing from blogland a little lately. I can’t say it was anything intentional – more of a development as the last couple of weeks unfolded. It’s been a bit of a bumpy road lately and I really thought about bagging the TToT this weekend just to take a breath. But I’ve said all along that…

By Lisa March 22, 2014 Off

TToT – Light from Darkness

As I was putting together my list of Thankfuls for the week, I realized that there was something of a theme at work. We’ve had several “darker” moments this week – things that just haven’t been the most positive or haven’t gone quite the way we would have liked. But in several instances, a positive…

By Lisa March 15, 2014 Off

TToT – Fastest Long Week Ever

I’m really not this late in posting…I had this ready on Saturday morning. Somehow, I failed to remember to link up the post, though. So here it is, better late than never. This week has felt incredibly long. And yet, since Friday evening I’ve found myself frequently wondering how the week went by so fast.…

By Lisa March 8, 2014 Off

TToT – Sick Tea and Chicken Soup Edition

The flu is running rampant in our state. At least that’s what the news keeps telling me. I wasn’t sure it was true, but then it decided to rear its ugly little head in our house. At work on Monday, I was certain I was coming down with something – by the time I got home,…

By Lisa March 1, 2014 Off

Ten Things of Thankful – Thawing Out and Going Basic

No muse befriends, this week, really, friends – haven’t found much to post here. Maybe I’ve just been focusing my brain power on other projects this week. Anyway, better late than never, here is my list of thankfuls for the week. I am… Thankful that – for the moment at least – it is not snowing. Or…

By Lisa February 22, 2014 Off

TToT – Snow and Ice Edition

Is it really the end of the week? I’m not sure exactly how that happened. Maybe it’s because we had a three day week again…snow days Thursday and Friday and here we are in the very wee hours of Saturday already. So yeah, I’m so not prepared for TToT yet. I think we’ll wing this…

By Lisa February 15, 2014 Off

TToT – Glad to be Alive!

As you may be able to tell from the title, I’ve had a couple of near-miss moments this week. So first and foremost, let me say that I am extremely thankful that the FIVE times this week someone in another car on the road nearly hit me in my car (yes, five) the result was…

By Lisa February 7, 2014 Off

TToT Part Two – A Tribute to the Rotten Cats

Today is the Rotten Cats’ birthday. It is. They are eight years old today. To celebrate, please join me in a little TToT dedicated to my Rotten Boys. I figured I could probably come up with ten reasons why I’m thankful that they are part of our lives… Humor. The Rotten Cats provide an endless…

By Lisa February 2, 2014 Off

TToT – Later, January!

Goodbye, January! I’m so over you. Why? Because Polar Vortex, that’s why. I never thought I’d be so happy to see the temperature read 32 degrees in my life. Let’s get right down to business. First, I’m going with the theme of being thankful for others’ happiness. Monday of this week, the Fab Hub took…

By Lisa February 1, 2014 Off