Where I’ve Been and What I Did There

January 14, 2020 Off By Lisa

Once again, I start a blog post with the (obvious) statement that it’s been a long time since words graced this page.

Aside from a brief post to celebrate the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop’s sixth anniversary, I’ve posted nothing here in over a year and a half. How did THAT happen? I’ll simply say as I did in that last post that life happens and it has been happening in full force around here for quite a while. Some of that life has been really great; some has been not so great. I’d say that’s pretty standard, really. But sometimes you just need to focus all of your resources in a particular direction and that is essentially what I’ve been doing.

So to answer the question suggested in my title, I’ve been away from here doing the work of living, facing the changes that life throws my way, and spending some time thinking about what direction I want to take as I step back into things and head into the future.

I like to choose a word each year to serve as a focal point or guiding principle. I’ve posted about most of them here. For 2019 I’m not honestly sure I ever picked a word – if I did, any efforts in that direction certainly fell to the wayside. For 2020 I’ve had my word in mind for quite a while already – GROUNDED. I think this word picked me more than the other way around. I realized toward the end of 2019 that while many great changes have happened in my life over the last few years, I’ve felt a little frazzled by all of it. I often feel like I’m reacting to life rather than living purposefully, which is something I really want to do. I feel caught up in the activity of life but don’t find ways to process or savor it. I need to focus on being more grounded – living life in a balanced and sensible way. So there’s that.

As we move forward into a new year, plans and goals become a hot topic. Yes, I have plans. Yes, I have goals. No, I’m not thinking about them in any particular way just because it’s a new year. I truly believe that any day is an opportunity to start a new project, set a new goal, adopt a new perspective. If it happens to be the first day of a new year, so be it! I like to follow Ben Franklin’s example and look at life as an ongoing opportunity for learning, growing, and becoming better at being one’s true self. Considering some new plans and goals on January first is a good idea. But I’ll propose here that we all try to make goals each month or week or even every day. Hell, I sometimes need to refocus and set a new path with a new hour! But that’s OK – we can regroup and make a fresh start anytime we need to.

And so with this little blog post, I jump back into putting words on the page here and in my offline projects. I will also be working on plans and projects in my in-person life. Some of that may spill onto the page here. Who knows? Let’s just keep it loose and say that if you’re reading here you can expect to see some (much needed) cosmetic and organizational changes to the blog, some posts about life, its banalities, and the quest to live deliberately, some posts about books and movies, definitely some posts about the adventures of my Rotten Cats, and whatever else falls out of my brain.

In the meantime, I’m glad to be back here. And I’m glad you’re here reading and sharing the journey. Leave a message and say hello – I’d love to hear from you and know what you’re up to!