Tag: He Cooks

TToT – Still Here Living Life

I’m not sure how it happened, exactly, but it’s been two weeks since I posted anything. Intentional? Not really. I guess we’ve just been busy living life and trying to wind down this school year. This interminably long and drawn out school year, thank you very much Winter From Hell. But we’re getting there –…

By Lisa May 16, 2014 Off

TToT – Snow and Ice Edition

Is it really the end of the week? I’m not sure exactly how that happened. Maybe it’s because we had a three day week again…snow days Thursday and Friday and here we are in the very wee hours of Saturday already. So yeah, I’m so not prepared for TToT yet. I think we’ll wing this…

By Lisa February 15, 2014 Off

He Cooks! – Homemade Pizza Edition

My Husband claims he is a kitchen disaster. I wouldn’t exactly call him a disaster. But his skill level in the kitchen is not terribly high. Although I really do think he shortchanges himself quite a bit. The Fab Hub has become an expert smoothie maker and he assembles lunch for me and Kidzilla every…

By Lisa February 13, 2014 Off

He Cooks! – Smoothie Edition

The Fab Hub sends me off to school every day with a smoothie. One day this week, my smoothie smelled horrendous. Like rotten eggs horrendous. It was so bad I couldn’t get it close enough to my face to drink it. I offered it to the BFF to smell, just in case I was imagining…

By Lisa September 19, 2013 Off

He Cooks! – Scrambled Egg Edition

We haven’t had an installment of “He Cooks” for quite a while. I keep waiting for the Fab Hub to whip up his Oregano Teriyaki Chicken, but he never steps up to the plate to offer. Hmm. Guess we’ll just have to wait on that one. In the meantime, it is worth mentioning that the…

By Lisa July 31, 2013 Off

He Cooks! – Mac & Cheese Edition

Kidzilla wanted macaroni and cheese for lunch today.  From a box.  The kind with powder for cheese. Bleah. This is quite possibly the most disturbing meal on the planet.  It has powder for cheese.  Orange powder.  White powder, if you get the fancy cheddar on shells variety, which is what Zilla wanted today.  Either way,…

By Lisa July 20, 2012 Off

He Cooks! – Red Meat Edition

This is what we had for dinner Tuesday night: That lovely piece of steak was grilled to perfection by my Husband, the resident Grill Master.  And the perfectly grilled corn on the cob.  He even prepared the marinade for the steak on his own.  I was relegated to bean prep.  He may not be terribly adept in…

By Lisa July 11, 2012 Off