A Different Angle

A Different Angle

May 1, 2020 Off By Lisa

“It’s all about perspective, Aunt Jane,” said her niece. “Try looking at it from a different angle and you might feel more positive about it.”

“There is no way I can feel positive about living in a silly apartment and giving up the home I have built and loved for so many years.”

They were silent for a while, wrapping mementos and belongings in newspaper and bubble wrap, packing the evidence of a life well-lived into boxes to keep, to donate, to discard.

“What if you think about it the way you think about your photography?” asked Sydney.

“It’s true,” said Jane, “that reframing the shot sometimes makes all the difference.”


Written in response to this week’s Six Sentence Stories challenge, hosted by Girlie on the Edge. Each week writers are challenged to spin a tale in just six sentences. 

This week’s cue is ANGLE.

Click on the link right here to join us. Read some great stories and link up to share your own!


Featured image by Ich bin dann mal raus hier. from Pixabay