

April 15, 2020 Off By Lisa

Carla stepped into the sunlight as she had on a hundred other Monday mornings.

The bright beauty of the day was stark contrast to the terror she would experience once she completed the journey from school bus to classroom.

The brutality was relentless. She suffered in silence, no one aware of the battle scars she accumulated day after day.

Protection and safety were illusions. No suit of armor deflected the assaults. No knight came to her rescue.

She learned to believe the things they said. No one told her to shield her face from attacks on her own self-esteem.


The Flash Fiction Challenge, hosted by lead buckaroo Charli Mills at Carrot Ranch, challenges writers to spin a tale in just 99 words.

This week’s prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that declares, shield your face. It can be a knight of old, a doctor, or a senior citizen. What is the circumstance? Who makes the declaration? Go where the prompt leads!

Click on the link here to join us, read some stories and find out how to share your own.



Featured Image by Yuri_B from Pixabay