Friday Five – Things I Do Not Understand About My Blog

January 30, 2015 Off By Lisa

So I’ve had this blog for a couple of years now.

I’m not even going to pretend that I understand most of the technical part of how it works. But I’m willing to poke around and look things up and read about whatever it is that I need to do. This usually works pretty well.

There are, however, a few things that I just don’t understand about my blog. I’ve tried to figure these out, but I’m coming up blank. And I’m really frustrated because I can’t get my blog to behave the way I want it to.

I don't get it.So perhaps some of you out there can help me. I’ve met a lot of great bloggers in the last couple of years. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been introduced to even more. Surely someone out there has some experience with this stuff.

The biggest thing that I don’t get about my blog is why some people land in my spam comments, even though they are regular readers and contributors. My blog is supposed to recognize people after they’ve had two comments approved. Or so I thought. Poor Dyanne and Josie and Tinne end up in my spam every time they comment and won’t show up until I approve them. How can I get my blog to recognize these people and keep them out of spam land?

On the topic of spam, I would like to know why I get so many spam comments even though I have a spam filter or five. Am I using the wrong ones? Or am I just supposed to delete the fifty or so I get every day and then go on with my life? They’re nice, sometimes. It’s comforting to know that Michael Kors outlets and Burberry scarves are such dedicated readers.


Then there’s the question of images. Pictures. Photos. Whatever. I know there are images galore out there to be had and used. But all the copyright stuff scares the crap out of me. So I rarely, if ever, use images that aren’t my own. I know there’s a way to do it and a way to understand all the Creative Commons stuff, but when I try to learn it feels…overwhelming. My ADHD does not respond well to overwhelming, so I generally give up. Anybody who has image knowledge and wants to do some tutoring, please let me know.

OK, then there’s my comment problem. Know that comment form at the bottom of my posts? Where it says “Leave a Reply?” I want it to say something nicer. Other bloggers have nice things on their comment forms. I want nice things on my comment form. I’ve read about 52 different articles and forum posts explaining how to change it, but I don’t seem to be able to find the things they talk about to make the change. I know it’s a simple thing – but my blog does not seem to have the same setup as the people who wrote those instructions.

I’m also trying to figure out how to do a good blogroll. I know there’s a widget that will show them on my front page. Easy. But I don’t like them on my front page because I feel like they get lost.  Right now I have a page set up on my blog with its own little tab, but I don’t know if I’m doing it right. I feel like there should be a way to add them to that page sort of automatically, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. Any thoughts?

Update: Lizzi’s comment here reminded me that there was one other thing that I need to figure out. I want to know how to get my blog to send a commenter an e-mail when I’ve replied to their comment. I love getting those notices. It lets me know that the blogger took the time to reply to my comment and also enables me to return to continue the conversation. I’m sure it’s a plug-in that I need, but have yet to figure out which one. Any thoughts?

So there they are, friends – the five six things about my blog that I just don’t understand. They’ve been bothering me for far too long. If you can help me figure out how to move past these little roadblocks, I’d be most appreciative. Help a girl out if you can!

Your turn: What things confuse you about your blog? About blogging? Share your thoughts and maybe together we can figure out how to do a few new things!