Tag: learning

Scrubbing Pots

My husband hates scrubbing pots. He is, in all fairness, really pretty willing to clean up the kitchen after I cook and he rarely complains. But pots are his nemesis. Particularly, pots with anything stuck, splattered, or burnt on them.

By Lisa April 6, 2013 Off

Making Good on Some Promises

Sometimes life gets away from me. It’s kind of like an unruly dog. He snaps the leash and takes off running. I chase after him, the world a blur as it whizzes by… A few weeks ago, I did a post that included quite a bit of food. In that post, I mentioned that I…

By Lisa January 3, 2013 Off

The Light in Our Lives

Sunday was the second Sunday of Advent. It also happened to be the second night of Hanukkah. Ours is a two-faith home; Fab Hub/Dad is Jewish and Zilla and I are Catholic. At first glance, this is quite a disparity. But not as much as you would think.

By Lisa December 12, 2012 Off

Your What Hurts?

When met with a strange-sounding statement or something he didn’t quite understand, the Fab Hub will often ask the speaker, “Your what hurts?” It gets a laugh – or at least a quizzical look – every time. So when I saw a headline at MSN.com the other day began with the question, “What’s a Yurt?”…

By Lisa December 4, 2012 Off

What Really Counts

I waited in line for over an hour to vote this afternoon. In all the years I have been casting my vote, I don’t think I have ever waited that long. I expected to hear quite a bit of grousing (yes, I use the word grousing) from the long line of voters who were waiting…

By Lisa November 6, 2012 Off

The Aftermath

Hello again, Friends. We spent a few days without power and then a couple more without cable, phone, or Internet access. All has been up and running again since the Saturday After Sandy, but I have been caught up in some sorting…

By Lisa November 5, 2012 Off

Battery Critically Low

My cell phone is just about dead.  I just tried to use it and got a message that said: “Battery Critically Low!” Out loud (because I do that), I said to my Self, “yeah, you’re not kidding.”

By Lisa October 17, 2012 Off

Ten Things I Love/Hate About Me

Know that saying, “The more things change, the more they stay the same?”  It’s actually a French proverb, attributed to French novelist Alphonse Karr. An often-debated topic is whether people can actually change or whether a person’s nature is constant throughout his or her life. In considering this question, I thought of several things about…

By Lisa October 15, 2012 Off

Once Upon a Time in Third Grade…

She could peg a kid just behind the ear with a stub of chalk from fifty paces. If you misbehaved in her classroom, she knew it before you even thought about doing it and stopped you dead in your potentially insubordinate tracks.  Like dogs smell fear, she could smell a kid attempting to engage in…

By Lisa August 30, 2012 Off