Making Good on Some Promises

January 3, 2013 Off By Lisa

Sometimes life gets away from me.

It’s kind of like an unruly dog. He snaps the leash and takes off running. I chase after him, the world a blur as it whizzes by…

Life speeding by...

A few weeks ago, I did a post that included quite a bit of food. In that post, I mentioned that I almost scrapped the post because I battled with myself over whether or not to post it at all. I promised to elaborate on that and so here it is – confession time.

I spent about a week thinking about that post but kept stashing it in my drafts because it was all about food. Why is that a bad thing? Well, it’s not. But at the time, I had a strange idea in my head that I could not post about food. Why not? Well, I’m not a “food blogger.” I have no culinary training. I have no authority here.

But who says so?

Pretty much only me.

After several days of debate with my Self, I remembered why I started this blog in the first place. I wanted to explore who I am and what I am all about. I wanted to write about the things I love, the things that I am passionate about, the things that bring me joy.

Food fits all categories. I love food for itself, but also for the connection it has to family and great memories for me. I thoroughly enjoy the process of planning meals, selecting recipes and menu items, and preparing the food. To me, food is about love and family and happiness. So…problem solved. Or not.

The next thing I got worked up about was whether or not my food posts followed “the rules” of food posts. I don’t know what these rules are or if they even really exist. But once again, there I was…getting in my own way.

And so I decided to get over myself. I put up my food post and went about my business.

And that’s pretty much it. It’s not earth-shattering. It just is what it is. But the whole thing reminded me that the only right answer is the one which leads me to discover more about myself. That’s where I got my title, The Meaning of Me – it’s about exploring Me and figuring everything out as I go along. Life is a process of constant growth. So that’s what I’m doing.

The moral of the story? Write about the things I love, the things I’m passionate about, the things that bring me joy. That’s it.

As for some of the other pending explanations or promised posts…well, they are coming. For real. I’m working my way through the drafts and doing some housecleaning. Dumping the unfinished business in the Drafts folder and ignoring it was much simpler. But I have learned that the only way to move past a huge and looming task is to just pick some part of it and get started.

Today I’m making good on the promise to explain my reluctance to put up a food post. Tomorrow, I’ll tackle another item from the leftover list and a Friday Favorites featuring the Fab Hub.