Tag: thoughts

How Are You Coping?

How are you coping with all of this? That has been the ready question on everyone’s lips for the last several months. It’s become the new small talk – sort of like “Where are you from” or “What do you do?” How are you coping? The question was asked so many times by so many…

By Lisa June 8, 2020 Off


When I chose my word of the year for 2020 – grounded – I didn’t think the universe would take it quite so literally. My original intention for the year was to remember to live life purposefully, rather than react to it. To find ways to process and savor life, to find the things that…

By Lisa May 6, 2020 Off


It was a perfectly good day for vultures. When the sun is high and the wind just right, vultures like to play in the warmth just as any of us would. On a day as fine as this, the committee leaves their post on top of the neighbor’s garage and takes to the air, swirling,…

By Lisa April 17, 2020 Off

Ten Things of Thankful – Stillness

There is an amazing level of quiet that exists in the hours after “very late” and before “very early.” I’m honestly surprised at how much. And also at how dark. It isn’t often I look out across our circle and see…darkness. The world is still right now as if holding its breath. I think maybe…

By Lisa April 6, 2020 Off

Ten Things of Thankful – COVID-19 Edition

Is it wrong if I just start this with a huge sigh? So many things have elicited that reaction from me today – and the sighs have all been different. Sighs of frustration, of sadness, of relief. I’ve run the gamut of emotions today alone, never mind the last week. Never mind whatever lies ahead…

By Lisa March 23, 2020 Off

Where I’m Going and What I’m Doing

Last week I jumped back into the blogosphere with a post about where I’ve been for the last many months. Missed it? Interested? Check it out right here: Where I’ve Been and What I Did There. This week, I’m following the lead of the Finish the Sentence Friday gang over at Finding Ninee and talking…

By Lisa January 20, 2020 Off

Where I’ve Been and What I Did There

Once again, I start a blog post with the (obvious) statement that it’s been a long time since words graced this page. Aside from a brief post to celebrate the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop’s sixth anniversary, I’ve posted nothing here in over a year and a half. How did THAT happen? I’ll simply…

By Lisa January 14, 2020 Off

A Return to Thankfulness

It has been a very long time since I shared any words here on the blog. My last post was well over a year ago now and to be honest, sometimes it feels like so much longer. When I wrote that story, I had no idea it would mark the start of an unintentional hiatus…

By Lisa June 15, 2019 Off

The Current Darkness

I wrote a post last week about all the things I haven’t done this year. Among them, but forgotten at the time of the post, was keeping up with the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. For a long time, I faithfully made my weekly gratitude list. The practice of focusing on the good in…

By Lisa December 26, 2017 Off

All the Things I Haven’t Done

There is nothing quite as dissatisfying as starting the week off about three four five hours behind schedule. I’ve been working on this post for about a week. I had such good intention – get it written, review it, schedule it to post ahead of time. Get ahead on my plans. Get ahead on life.…

By Lisa December 18, 2017 Off