Category: Family

How Are You Coping?

How are you coping with all of this? That has been the ready question on everyone’s lips for the last several months. It’s become the new small talk – sort of like “Where are you from” or “What do you do?” How are you coping? The question was asked so many times by so many…

By Lisa June 8, 2020 Off


When I chose my word of the year for 2020 – grounded – I didn’t think the universe would take it quite so literally. My original intention for the year was to remember to live life purposefully, rather than react to it. To find ways to process and savor life, to find the things that…

By Lisa May 6, 2020 Off

Ten Things of Thankful – Stillness

There is an amazing level of quiet that exists in the hours after “very late” and before “very early.” I’m honestly surprised at how much. And also at how dark. It isn’t often I look out across our circle and see…darkness. The world is still right now as if holding its breath. I think maybe…

By Lisa April 6, 2020 Off

Life Goes On – Open Thought Vortex

Here we are, deep in the thick of the most celebration-filled time of the year. This week between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day always seems a bit…off. Business hours and traffic patterns are altered, school and the associated school bus schedules are suspended, and I never quite know what day it is (or even…

By Lisa December 29, 2017 Off

It’s the Most Flavorful Time of the Year! – Open Thought Vortex

Here we are again, friends. It’s that holiday time of year! And what else do we think of at this time? All things food, of course! But with all the food, festivities, and holiday gatherings, also comes all the holiday stress. Join me over at OTV Magazine today for a few thoughts on how to…

By Lisa November 22, 2017 Off

Ain’t Life Grand: Family Celebrates Everything – Open Thought Vortex

We often think of celebrations as those occasions when we gather with family or friends for a particular holiday or life event. Those occasions are filled with their share of both joy and angst. (Come on, you have a family…you know it’s true.) We keep coming back, though, because underneath all the family humor and…

By Lisa July 12, 2017 Off

Finding My Summer Groove

Summer is here. We’re only five days in by the calendar, but around here it’s been summer for nearly three weeks since Zilla’s school year finished in the first week of June. It’s nice to be finished with packing school bags and lunches, scrambling for clean uniform parts, dealing with homework assignments and projects and…

By Lisa June 26, 2017 Off

Navigating Summer Gatherings with Food Allergies – Exhale

Living with a food allergy is always a challenge. Summer brings an extra large helping of outings and gatherings that include food as part of the festivities. But that doesn’t mean you or your child have to be left out of the fun. Join me over at Exhale today where I’m sharing some of our…

By Lisa June 14, 2017 Off

Summer Love and Hate

Summer has arrived. Well, perhaps not by the calendar date, but for all intents and purposes, it is summer. The school year has come to a close. Days are growing longer and bedtime begs for just ten more minutes. And sure enough, it is the time of year for playing outside long after dinnertime, for…

By Lisa June 9, 2017 Off


It’s hard to believe that the end of the school year is upon us. I’ve written before that I see September and back-to-school time as my “new year.” It is the time we make the transition from the long, lazy days of summer to the comfort and familiarity that comes with the routine of school days.…

By Lisa June 4, 2017 Off