Tag: rotten cats

Five Minutes

It has been a very long week around here. Everyone is tired.  We are all just a little bit cranky.  My feet hurt. I have very little brain power available and I still have fifteen things to finish before I can even pretend to think about going to sleep. Is it Friday yet?

By Lisa September 7, 2012 Off


Nothing is more silent than the sound of the night watch. The running refrigerator is annoying company. Until it stops. Ah, but there is the sound of the central air pump. And gone. Cats snore in near perfect unison. Aren’t they supposed to be nocturnal? Traitors.

By Lisa August 1, 2012 Off

My Bad Day Monday

Monday was kind of a bad day. Although after sitting here for a while with a cup of hot homemade soup, poking around the headlines and getting a few reminders that there are far worse things in other people’s lives than I had to deal with. Everything in perspective. Forgive me for sounding like the proverbial…

By Lisa July 24, 2012 Off

The Tragedy of Three Rotten Cats

Shakespeare.  The Tragedy of Macbeth.  Act 4, Scene 1. Setting:  A cavern. In the middle, a boiling cauldron. Thunder.  Enter the three Witches. First Witch: Thrice the brinded cat hath mewed. Mew.  Mew.  Mew. There is a Rotten Cat staring at me.  The Others are here as well.  Staring.  All Three Rotten Cats are here…

By Lisa July 17, 2012 Off

How a Self-Proclaimed Cat Hater Ends Up Living with Three Rotten Cats

As I write this, my Fabulous Husband is finishing up some vacuuming…to rid our home of this week’s allotment of cat hair! This is part of why he is fabulous. A) I haven’t touched a vacuum cleaner since we got married (HATE vacuuming more than cleaning toilets) and B) he is in charge of all…

By Lisa July 9, 2012 Off

A Simple Meal

Ever have one of those days where you just don’t want to eat? OK, so this really doesn’t happen to me all that often. Believe me, I am not a woman who says no to a meal.  But tonight, nothing inspired.  I even intentionally engaged in the “what do you want to do about dinner”…

By Lisa July 6, 2012 Off

A Perfect Fourth

When I first wake up, before I hit an upright position, I only open one eye.  I’m not sure why, but it happens every morning without fail.  It could be physiological.  It could be because I live with a Kidzilla and Three Rotten Cats.  Perhaps my subconscious brain intuitively knows that under such circumstances, keeping one eye open…

By Lisa July 5, 2012 Off