TToT – A Long COVID Nap

January 31, 2021 Off By Lisa

Happy New Year, friends!

I know, it’s not exactly the beginning of the year, but I’m a slow starter right now. It feels like everything has been in slow mode since the pandemic hit last winter. And here we are again, deep in the middle of winter and still in this mode. A day or two ago I said something pandemic-related was emerging a year ago and I actually stopped mid-sentence to process that – a year ago. what is This all really feels like a very long COVID nap.

Rather than get bogged down in that, I decided to heed the calls of Denise and Clark and put a few items of thankfulness on the page. I’ve found that no matter what’s going on in my life, bringing my focus back to the things I’m grateful for in life is never a bad idea.

I’ll start with the elephant in the room and say I am thankful for my health and the health of my family. So far, we’re all OK COVID-wise. May that continue.

I’m also thankful for my amazing dentist and her patience for the last two months (yeah, two) of working to adjust my bite after having some dental work done back in November. No idea why, but after that procedure, we just could not get my bite to settle in. I think we may be there now – finally. Here’s hoping that’s actually true.

I’m always thankful for free books! A writer friend shared info about some free writing resources this week and I was happy to indulge myself and add them to my arsenal of resources.

I’m thankful for some new writing opportunities that have come my way recently. Be on the lookout for shares on social media as the publication dates arrive in the future.

I’m thankful for my daughter’s amazing cyber charter school. We moved her to a cyber charter for a number of reasons before the word pandemic was ready word on our lips. While there are some things that changed when schools closed and/or adjusted their method of instruction, our school was able to mostly proceed as usual with only a minor blip in the flow. We’ve been so grateful for that bit of steadiness and normalcy in the midst of all the chaos.

I’m thankful for lovely friends in the online world – Dyanne, Clark, Denise, etc. – who don’t forget about me and give me a shoutout every now and then to bring me back to this little group. The practice of focusing on gratitude and the good in life is something near and dear to my heart. And the Ten Things of Thankful crew are as well. I haven’t participated in the link-up every week in recent months (years?), but I do remember to practice gratitude daily.

I’m thankful for the flexibility of format here at the TToT and for the Book of Secret Rules, hereby invoked and allowing me to wrap here at whatever item number this is.

Finally, I am hopeful this little list will motivate me to post here more often and allow me to say I’m thankful I popped in here today and got back on the blogging horse. I miss this little space and have allowed life to get in the way for far too long.

That said, I’m off. I have an attempt at homemade naan bread waiting for me to finish in the kitchen.

Be well and be safe!


Follow the link here to the Ten Things of Thankful blog to find out more about our little community and how to join in!