TToT- Funk Busting

October 17, 2014 Off By Lisa

By the time the TToT hop goes live, we are going to be busy getting our weekend started. I should probably be doing ten other things right now, but I don’t want to wait until oh sometime maybe Sunday to get linked. So I’m going to bang out this list quickly so I can get back to work and get the weekend adventures started!


My very first item this week is a huge one so it counts for as many as the SGV will allow. I am so very thankful to my real-world and blog-world friends for your positive and supportive feedback, comments, e-mails, etc. I’ve been in a real blog funk lately (maybe a real life one, too) and your input has helped me to kind of step back and decide I probably do want to keep the blog going after all. I probably just need to adjust focus a bit. More on that later.

I am thankful for the opportunity to have a long and newsy lunch with the BFF this week. Going from seeing one another at work every day, even for a few minutes, to not seeing each other unless we plan a girls’ date is a very different scenario. The last few weeks have been insane for reasons on both sides, so we were glad to get in a good long visit.

I am thankful for Sassy Haircut Version 2.0. The one I got about three weeks ago wasn’t short enough. I don’t think I’ve ever said that in my life. I went back a week ago for another inch or so off and I’m so much happier. It’s a very different look for me and I’ve received many compliments during the week. That does a girl’s heart good so I’m really glad my stylist could fit me in and get the job done.

I am thankful to the Rotten Cats for NOT pooping or puking on the floors all week, most especially not on the carpet. Way to go, Boys! Try to hold it together while we’re all being busy this weekend, OK? Because nobody has time to clean up cat yerf.

I’m thankful for a really terrific Mommy-Kidzilla date this week. The Fab Hub had a gig to do one evening this week and so went straight from work to that. Kidzilla and I were on our own and decided to go out for dinner together. We had a great time and got to spend some time alone together that was not fighting over doing homework.

I am thankful that the nasty warm and humid weather has passed and the glorious fall weather is back. I am also thankful for some very cool photos this week.


And that has to do it for me, friends, because I have errands to run and my morning volunteer duty ran much longer than I expected.

I’m off! I probably won’t get around to read everyone until Sunday, but I’ll get there! In the meantime, share your comments and thankfuls and have a wonderful weekend!


Ten Things of Thankful