TToT – Taking Care of Business

August 10, 2014 Off By Lisa

I am late to the party this week, but I’m here!

It’s been a very eventful week and there is much to do in the week ahead. For now, I want to pause for just a few minutes and make note of the week’s highlights. There is much for which to be thankful…

First, on a very light note, I am completely excited that it is Shark Week! I had nearly forgotten, but Super Sister texted me this morning in very capital letters reminding me that it is indeed Shark Week. Check out Discovery Channel’s website for all the details.

OK, on to the more serious stuff…

Once again, we are all so thankful for the Hub’s new job. Not only is it the proverbial “foot in the door” we’ve been waiting for, but so far he seems to love it. That’s a win.

I am so grateful to all of our friends in real life and through the blog who have expressed their excitement and best wishes and congratulations for the Hub’s new position. Thanks to all of you!

Kidzilla gets a huge dose of appreciation from her parents this week for being so pleasant and cooperative while we dealt with some big issues and decisions. She helps with small jobs around the house, picks up her own things, makes her bed, gets herself dressed in the morning. We have a great kid.

I have somehow managed to drop another four pounds, bringing me within about a pound of the Hub’s total loss. I was certain it was a fluke, but the scale is insisting on this number for four days running, so I’m calling it.

I am very thankful for the support of family, friends, and colleagues right now. This is big for us at the moment and I’m going to do a little jig past the SGV and say this counts for about three things.

I am thankful for the ability to see the possibility ahead of us.

I am really very thankful that it is still summer break for us here. I know many places that have started back to school already, but we are still clear until the end of the month and I’m pretty glad about that.

Finally, I am thankful that it’s Sunday afternoon and Kidzilla and I can snuggle up and take a nap since neither of us is feeling 100% terrific today. So that’s where I’m headed right now. I’ll get around and read all of your lists later!


Ten Things of Thankful