#10Thankful – The Show is Over

April 24, 2016 Off By Lisa

Is it wrong that I’m in my pajamas at 8:00 PM?

Today has been an exciting and tiring day and honestly? I really kind of want to go to bed. Like now.

But first, I need to slip in a few items of thankfulness…

First, I am so grateful to have been part of the Listen to Your Mother show’s Lehigh Valley cast today. What a tremendous experience this has been in so many ways. I’m sure I’ll write more about it at some point, but for today I’m just going to say I’m glad to have added this to my list of awesome things I’ve done.



These are wonderful people who shared wonderful stories and I’m thankful to have crossed paths with each of them.

I am thankful for my daughter. For the wonderful way she has changed my life and changed me, and for providing me with endless inspiration and story fodder. I am so proud of her for being exceptionally well-behaved and polite and helpful today while I was out getting ready for the performance today and making sure her Fab Dad got ready on time.

I am thankful for my Fab Hub. For his support, which is always present even when he’s being a pain in the butt. (Love, you honey!) For his willingness to help around the house and run up and down the stairs on endless “get me’s” as he calls them. (Hon, can you get me a pair of socks? Would you please get me more tea?)

I am thankful that Rotten Cat One is taking his meds, however unwillingly. I do think he understands that it helps him feel better. But could we maybe try doing it with a little less drool and drama?




I’m pretty thankful for all three Rotten Cats, to be honest. I came home today after a long day out of the house and all three came to say hello. That’s really kind of nice. Right now, Cat Two is helping me write this – and by “helping” I  mean curling up across my arms and snoring. I’d show you a cute picture, but…hands are kind of occupied. Wait, I think I have one of him doing the same thing on another day…




I am thankful for my family. Always, really, but especially for their presence and support and encouragement for my performance today. I can’t imagine any people I’d rather have in the audience and/or at dinner (thanks, Brother-in-Law). And my Brother-in-Law gets a special shout-out for answering my text about where to park so fast. Awesome.

I am thankful that today went well. My voice decided to show up just long enough to get through the performance and dinner. It’s pretty much given up and left the building now, but that’s OK because about fifteen minutes after Zilla is asleep, I expect to be covered in cats and on my way to doing the same.

That’s it for me. It’s been a wonderfully exhausting day. I’ll catch up with all of you on Monday…


Ten Things of Thankful
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