Month: July 2012

A Perfect Fourth

When I first wake up, before I hit an upright position, I only open one eye.  I’m not sure why, but it happens every morning without fail.  It could be physiological.  It could be because I live with a Kidzilla and Three Rotten Cats.  Perhaps my subconscious brain intuitively knows that under such circumstances, keeping one eye open…

By Lisa July 5, 2012 Off

What Do You Want to Do About Dinner?

Wish I had a more clever title for this post.  I don’t.  The only thing remarkable about it, in fact, is that my husband and I (each) probably asked one another this question at least ten times yesterday.  You see, there was no plan.  And around here, no plan has traditionally meant junk food. But not today. …

By Lisa July 4, 2012 Off

Three Degrees of Avocado

Ever sit down to do something on your computer, click open the Internet, and find, amazingly, that you’ve travelled somewhere wonderful without quite realizing how you got there?  Happens to me all the time.  It’s one of the curses blessings of having ADHD.  (More on that another time…)

By Lisa July 2, 2012 Off

So Now What?

So now I have this site.  This blog.  This thing.  Now what in the world am I supposed to do with it?  I have spent more hours than I wish to divulge reading about “how to” write a blog.  There are pages upon pages of suggestions, formulas, guides, rules of etiquette and such that provide lots of…

By Lisa July 1, 2012 Off