So Now What?

July 1, 2012 Off By Lisa

So now I have this site.  This blog.  This thing.  Now what in the world am I supposed to do with it?  I have spent more hours than I wish to divulge reading about “how to” write a blog.  There are pages upon pages of suggestions, formulas, guides, rules of etiquette and such that provide lots of suggestions, formulas, guidance, and rules for doing my thing.  But in the end, it seems to me that the only right way to do my thing is pretty much the way I want to do it.

Life is like that.  There are suggestions, formulas, guides, rules of etiquette, laws, and so many other influences that tell us how to live our lives, how to think, what to do, how to be.  All any of us can really do is take it all into consideration, use it to make the most informed decision possible…and eventually go with our gut.  In his essay “Self Reliance,” Emerson wrote that “nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.”  I believe he is right.  We can listen to all kinds of advice, adhere to all kinds rules, but in the end each of us must decide what is the right choice for our Self – the Self we must strive to understand more intimately than any other person can.  That in itself is a lifelong project.

At this writing, I find myself at a crossroads.  Where do I take this site?  Where do I take my life?   And every day, I ask my Self, so now what?

I get no answer, of course.  (It doesn’t work that way.)  Instead, I find only another question…

What’s next?