Happy Birthday!

June 30, 2012 Off By Lisa

Know what’s really scary?  The unknown.  We fear things that we can not see, do not understand, or have not experienced.  No one will tell you that they are not terrified to thrust themselves headlong into the unknown – at least not if they’re being honest.  Sure, we may find a way to surpass our fears or even fake it pretty well, but we are all afraid of some thing to some degree.  Face it: It is so much easier (and safer) to stick with what is comfortable and familiar, to just keep doing what we’ve been doing for however long it is that we’ve been doing it.

So what does all of that have to do with a birthday?

Well, today is the birth day of this site.  My site.  The site that fear has kept me from starting.  See?  There it is.  Fear.  For me, fear manifests itself in “what ifs.”  What if I can’t think of anything to say?  What if I do have something to say and no one reads it?  Or what if somebody reads it and hates it?  What if I can’t find a cool enough picture to put on the site?  What if I don’t know what my site is supposed to be about?  The list is endless…

But then there are other “what ifs.”  What if I do have something to say?  And what if it does matter to someone?  What if I never try this and spend the rest of my life wondering “what if I had just done it”?  What if I make somebody laugh when they really need to?  And does it matter at all if anybody reads it or likes any of it?  Not really.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that he believed it to be good advice to “always do what you are afraid to do.”  I guess he thought it was good for building character.  I agree.  So here it is…my site.  What is it about?  I have no idea yet.  But that’s OK.  I love a lot of different things and I think about a lot of different things.  I figure if I just stick to writing about the things that I love and think about, then I can’t really go wrong.  I’ll figure it out as I go along.  I’m still figuring me out as I go along.  Hence the title…The Meaning of MeYou’ll know when I figure it out.

Happy birthday!  Happy reading!