Tag: holidays

The Making of the Fruitcake

So, the fruitcake… Recall, if you will, that this bowl of festivity soaked up its Amaretto goodness in my refrigerator for about two days prior to The Making of the Fruitcake. The actual Making of the Fruitcake went well. I searched for quite some time until I found the recipe that I thought sounded most like…

By Lisa January 2, 2013 Off

Happy New Year to You!

Hello, dear readers and friends… Yes, I am still alive. I know I have been “off the grid,” here for a while. It really was unintentional. I posted two sort of gush-my-heart-out posts right after the events of Newtown, CT a couple of weeks ago and then…well, I just felt kind of off. I had…

By Lisa December 31, 2012 Off

The Light in Our Lives

Sunday was the second Sunday of Advent. It also happened to be the second night of Hanukkah. Ours is a two-faith home; Fab Hub/Dad is Jewish and Zilla and I are Catholic. At first glance, this is quite a disparity. But not as much as you would think.

By Lisa December 12, 2012 Off

The Food Post That Almost Wasn’t

Despite all evidence to the contrary, I did not fall off the planet and into a black hole. And despite the fact that I really hate when I hear myself say “I’ve been busy” in response to a question about what I’ve been doing or how I am, the truth is that we really have…

By Lisa December 11, 2012 Off

Put On Your Thanksgiving Pants!

There’s no way around it. No matter who you are, what you eat for Thanksgiving dinner, where you go or whom you spend it with, Thanksgiving is all about food. You don’t even have to like the holiday, but eventually, everybody’s gotta eat.

By Lisa November 22, 2012 Off

Mother-Daughter Haircuts

Kidzilla and I took a trip to the salon for haircuts this afternoon. Finally!  We were both way overdue and it feels great to have a fresh cut and style. I always love and hate my hair right after a cut. On the one hand, it feels healthy and smooth and what I call “swingy.” …

By Lisa November 20, 2012 Off

Back to School Musings

Everyone is thinking about and talking about  back-to-school time.  The feelings are mixed – there is a note of sadness for some and excitement for others.  In either case, back-to-school time is a time of change.

By Lisa August 24, 2012 Off

On Grandmothers and Tradition

My Lovely Italian Grandmother made terrible polenta. Seriously.  Terrible.  Polenta. She was the kind of Grandmother who, when you entered her home, asked about your last meal before she asked who you were.  “Here…sit.  Eat,” she would say.  Her Mother did the same – it’s how we got one of my in-law uncles.  He sat…

By Lisa July 26, 2012 Off