Tag: kids

Friday Favorites (on Saturday)

I love Friday nights. There is something about the start of a few days with no commitments, no obligations, and only the possibility of filling it with whatever you choose to do or not do, as the case may be. Somehow Friday was the longest day ever. Usually, the day flies by pretty fast for me,…

By Lisa November 17, 2012 Off

Sweet Sounds and a Smile

I am the mother of the loudest child on the planet. I am sure of it. Kidzilla makes sound of some sort constantly. Seriously. She begins speaking the second she wakes up and continues to speak, sing, laugh, shout, giggle, talk, hoot, holler, chortle, twitter, scream, whisper (which is actually a very loud breathy sound…

By Lisa November 15, 2012 Off

Five Friday Favorites

Who knew it would be so hard to get back into the rhythm of our lives after last week’s Superstorm Sandy? And we weren’t hit nearly as hard as some. Maybe it’s just me. I’m pretty tired. Pretty worn out in a whole lot of ways. I did manage to collect a few favorite items…

By Lisa November 9, 2012 Off

A New Favorite

Can’t lie. Despite my much-needed afternoon off, I am still feeling a bit whirlwindish. Yes, that’s a word. English majors are allowed to make up words whenever it suits them. It’s in the handbook. Anyway… It’s Thursday so I’m joining Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop again. This week I opted for the easy prompt. (Told you…can’t…

By Lisa October 18, 2012 Off

Ten Things I Love/Hate About Me

Know that saying, “The more things change, the more they stay the same?”  It’s actually a French proverb, attributed to French novelist Alphonse Karr. An often-debated topic is whether people can actually change or whether a person’s nature is constant throughout his or her life. In considering this question, I thought of several things about…

By Lisa October 15, 2012 Off

Rainbows and Grandfathers

It’s taken me a while to sort through them, but I wanted to share some photos of the most vivid, most stunningly beautiful rainbow I have ever seen. These were taken on my cell phone camera, believe it or not, through the window of the car as we traveled back from a family day out.

By Lisa October 10, 2012 Off

Kidzilla in the Kitchen

“Mamma, I want to help you cook.” At dinnertime on Monday night, Kidzilla was in the kitchen and ready to go to work.  She pulled her chair over to the counter, climbed up, looked me in the eye and said, “So.  What are we making?”

By Lisa September 12, 2012 Off