Tag: kids

Five Minutes

It has been a very long week around here. Everyone is tired.  We are all just a little bit cranky.  My feet hurt. I have very little brain power available and I still have fifteen things to finish before I can even pretend to think about going to sleep. Is it Friday yet?

By Lisa September 7, 2012 Off

Still The One

My Fab Hub was never going to be The One for me. If you’ve been here before, you probably already know that when we first met, I thought he was kind of a jerk.  I had a litany of reasons why I would not date him. So we did not date.  Technically, we never dated.

By Lisa September 6, 2012 Off

Five Favorites for Friday

How’s that for some serious alliteration? It has been a really exhausting week for so many reasons.  I’m tired.  I’m drained.  My feet hurt.  And I desperately need a shower before I crash face down on the bed and pass out. You know what those days feel like, right? For today, I have just a…

By Lisa August 31, 2012 Off

Once Upon a Time in Third Grade…

She could peg a kid just behind the ear with a stub of chalk from fifty paces. If you misbehaved in her classroom, she knew it before you even thought about doing it and stopped you dead in your potentially insubordinate tracks.  Like dogs smell fear, she could smell a kid attempting to engage in…

By Lisa August 30, 2012 Off

Supermarket Goodies

As promised, today I bring you tales from the supermarket. Grocery shopping is not really all that entertaining, I suppose, but it’s something we all have to do eventually. I try to make it as bearable as possible.  And while I suspect that nobody really wants to know about our grocery shopping efforts or product…

By Lisa August 28, 2012 Off

Kidzilla Speaks – A Quickie from the Kitchen

Everybody knows that kids say the darndest things.  There was a TV show about it, right?  Bill Cosby was the host and it was based on material from an old Art Linkletter show.  You can YouTube that and get some good laughs. Our Kidzilla, of course, comes out with a few winners every now and…

By Lisa August 22, 2012 Off

Better Late than Never – Recipe Included!

Really late posting today…it’s been a crazy couple of days.  Lots of things happening all at once, details flying at me from every direction…it happens. So here I am, better late than never, I suppose, with a very simple offering for a really great – and really adaptable – meal offering.

By Lisa August 21, 2012 Off