TToT – Sick Tea and Chicken Soup Edition

March 1, 2014 Off By Lisa

The flu is running rampant in our state. At least that’s what the news keeps telling me. I wasn’t sure it was true, but then it decided to rear its ugly little head in our house.

At work on Monday, I was certain I was coming down with something – by the time I got home, I was pretty miserable. I went to bed with flu-like symptoms at 4:15 that afternoon and pretty much stayed there until Wednesday morning except for getting Kidzilla bathed and into bed at night. Was it flu? Maybe. Was it full-blown? Definitely not. So I’m thankful for that. Perhaps it didn’t develop much further because I had my flu shot? So I’ll be thankful for that, too. In fact, I’m certain that the Book of Secret Rules/Secret Book of Rules says if you’re thankful for your flu shot and two other people in the house also got flu shots then you should be thankful for those as well. So three and four are covered there. And perhaps my efforts to eat well and eat immune-boosting foods are paying off? Let’s call that number five. The Fab Hub handled dinner Monday night so I was off the hook and free to be under the weather. More thankfulness.

I felt better fairly quickly and Kidzilla was fine, but by mid-week, the Fab Hub actually did end up with a pretty nasty case of the flu after all – so should I be un-thankful for his flu shot? Hrm. While I am not happy that the Fab Hub managed to get the flu and was feeling miserable, I am very thankful that his nasty version has thus far stayed away from me or Kidzilla. He has been dutifully disinfecting everything he touches and wearing gloves if he touches anyone’s food when packing lunches or making breakfast – yes, somehow he managed to do those jobs anyway. The Hub did his usual duties to the best of his ability to get everybody to school, spent most of Thursday and Friday resting while we weren’t home – good choice. He finally caved Friday afternoon and called for backup to pick up Kidzilla and make the grocery run. I’m glad he was wise enough not to try and be a hero and drive when he was really in no condition to do so. For the last two nights, he voluntarily slept in another room in an effort to keep his germs as far away from my immune system as possible. I offered to move, but he wouldn’t hear of it. I’m pretty thankful for his thoughtfulness. Not to mention, it was just plain smart.

Then there was the part where the Hub admitted that he was sick instead of snorting and coughing and denying it for a week like he is usually wont to do. Could it be that I’ve convinced him to be more in tune with what his body is telling him? Huzzah! I decided that Thursday’s dinner would be homemade chicken soup because what better thing than good old fashioned Jewish penicillin to cure what ails you? The Hub insisted that for reasons of comfort and nostalgia, it must taste like Campbell’s canned chicken noodle soup.

Really? Canned soup? OK, I get it. I promised that I would do my best but did point out that it would most likely not taste quite the same due to the lack of chemical preservatives and all. I got to work. Sadly, I did not have any homemade chicken or vegetable broth left in the freezer (two bags of scraps ready to make some, but none ready to go) and so had to rely on a couple of boxes of organic broth from the market. It was fine enough. Into the pot went lots of onion, an obscene amount of garlic (because this is medicinal after all), sliced carrots, parsley, and some salt and pepper. I cooked up a few boneless/skinless chicken breasts with an excessive amount of lemon juice (medicinal again), white wine, and salt and pepper. Once that was finished, I shredded it and tossed it into the pot. We added homemade PA Dutch egg noodles from the farmers’ market deli and we were good to go.

20140227_202316[1] The Hub proclaimed it the best soup he ever had and proceeded to eat two huge bowls of it for dinner, more for lunch the next day, and again with dinner on Friday. If that doesn’t cure him, nothing will. I’m thankful that the soup turned out so well and that he loved it. I believe he called it “perfect” at some point. Maybe it was just the fever talking. Zilla and I also had it for dinner both days and I think it was just the thing we all needed.


At Zilla’s request, we had it with grilled cheese sandwiches on Friday night – talk about a comfort food combo! The Hub had grilled American and Swiss. Not too adventurous. Zilla and I, however, had American and Swiss with avocado and tomato. Amazing. The photo above is pretty dark on the sandwich side. Let me give you a closer look here…nice, huh?


But wait, there’s more! After years of trying, I finally managed to get the Fab Hub to drink my famous sick tea! You heard it here first, friends. The first time I tried to give it to him, he decided that it tasted like feet and never took another sip. That was ten years ago. But this week he drank it in small doses over the course of two days. He even made a second home remedy I passed to him to help clear his head congestion. He made that and used it as well. I made a double-batch of the sick tea and Kidzilla and I drank ours as a preventive measure so we were all sipping the magic cure. I don’t have a photo of that for you here because mostly it just looks like a jar of urine lemonade. Not terribly appealing on the visual side.

Friday night we all went to bed super-early and slept super-long. Zilla and I still seem fine and the Hub’s fever is down quite a bit this morning without the help of an analgesic. He’s not quite out of the woods, but he’s sort of human and he’s upright. That’s progress.

We’ll be taking it easy this weekend – nothing planned outside the house for a change which is actually kind of nice. Kind of need a break from the birthday party circuit. Of course, we will need to prepare for yet another winter storm and do some post-flu cleaning but I’m OK with that.

OK, I’m pretty sure I’ve got ten things in there somewhere, so now it’s your turn – link ’em up and share your moments of thankfulness from this week!


Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts