About Us – A Random Sample of Facts

June 17, 2013 Off By Lisa

There are plenty of stories about me and the Fab Hub here on the blog. Today, though, we’ve come up with a small sampling of facts that haven’t made it to the blog yet for one reason or another but are mildly interesting or entertaining – at least to us.

1. We never dated. It’s true – ask anyone who knew us put up with our denial at the time. We went from co-working acquaintances to not dating to married. You can read about our Lobster Tale here if you don’t already know the story. Or even if you do – it’s a classic. (OK, this one has been on the blog before, but it really is one of our funniest facts.)


2. The first movie we ever saw together (on our first non-date) was Curse of the Jade Scorpion. We have not watched it since.  On said first non-date the Fab Hub was sick as a dog. I read the behavior as social ineptitude and total lack of interest. He finally admitted a while later that he was sick but hadn’t realized it until well into the movie. See why dating is a bad idea?

3. One of our favorite things to do together is stay at home. It’s true. We like getting out and doing things fine enough, but nothing makes us quite as happy as comfy pants and time together at home. It’s true – we’re the people who turn off the front porch light and pretend we’re not here sometimes.

4. We rarely agree on movies or TV shows to watch together. Fab Hub laughed and noted that the movies we do actually agree on we generally wait for DVD release to see so we can watch them together after Kidzilla goes to sleep. No, no, no – not because they are inappropriate for family viewing. It’s because in the post-Kidzilla world, we don’t often venture out to the movies alone. And, of course, because of #3.

5. We both come from a strong musical background. OK, Fab Hub adds that this is conjecture on his part, at least. Since he’s adopted, we are not able to trace any particular evidence, but he is vastly talented and it has to come from somewhere. Regardless, we are both musically talented and enjoy all kinds of music. Our tastes sometimes differ greatly, but we can both at least appreciate all different styles.

6. We got engaged in the parking lot of a local mall. The story is not your typical engagement story at all. It’s slightly bizarre and definitely does not qualify for a “most romantic proposal ever” contest. In fact, there was something of a hostile undertone to the whole thing because one of us was convinced that the other one of us was never going to propose. But it’s funny now – we quite love it and it’s all our own.