Tag: marriage

Nightly Routine

Nearly every night after a mostly-quiet dinner, Nora and Vern assumed their usual positions seated in identical armchairs situated on either side of the fireplace that hadn’t hosted flames since the last Christmas any of the children were home during the holidays. His chair angled ever so slightly toward the television set on the other…

By Lisa May 7, 2020 Off


She always felt like the one who needed to be carried. He was the calm to her bluster, the reason to her emotion. When she fretted and worried, he said, “just keep going” and “I believe.” She found his lack of excitability infuriating. Through all the changes, the struggles, the fears, he worked and simply…

By Lisa January 14, 2020 Off

OTV Magazine – Trusting Life’s Detours

Want to know a sure-fire way to get me worked up during the morning school drop-off run? Traffic detours. It seems like they are everywhere lately. Life has a funny way of regularly throwing us off our intended route. That has certainly been true of the last several years in my life. Sometimes, though, that…

By Lisa September 29, 2017 Off

Weekend Business

Gail signed the document, then locked and patted her briefcase. “Business awaits. Will you be OK this weekend?” Recalling the suspicious “business” charges on their Visa statement, she imagines how Rich’s face will look later when the card is declined. With a dismissive wave, Gail smiles. “I’m sure I will.” ~~~~~ A bit of an update……

By Lisa June 7, 2017 Off

Start With Thankfulness

How often do you think, “I don’t know where to start…”? I find myself there often. I am very good at over-planning and under-estimating how long it will actually take to execute my plans. It’s something I know about myself, and even though I work to strike a more reasonable balance, I’m still learning. My…

By Lisa May 8, 2017 Off

Silent Leaving

“Can’t imagine spending life with anyone else,” the old woman said. The rocking chairs creaked. A groundhog lumbered nearby. Such similar creatures are we, thought the old man. Eat, hibernate, mate, hibernate some more. He had left her long ago, retreated into dreams of another life. “Yep,” he said. “Imagine.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This post was written for the…

By Lisa May 3, 2017 Off

The Road Home

“What did he say?” she asked. “The engine is leaking oil, but the mechanic is gone for the night. We can come back tomorrow. Or, he said if we get a case of oil from the auto parts store next door and keep dumping it in, we’ll make it home.” They drove in silence for…

By Lisa May 1, 2017 Off

TToT – Breathing Space

I can breathe. Seems obvious, right? But no. Ever since we all had the flu back in mid-February, I have been unable to breathe well for one reason or another – upper respiratory congestion, lower respiratory congestion, whatever. Over-the-counter nasal spray has become my close companion, but while it provides blessed and instant relief, that…

By Lisa March 27, 2017 Off

TToT – Start with Gratitude

Despite the fact that I’ve been working steadily, I find myself still struggling to get any real momentum this morning. I don’t usually have Monday Blues or whatever. In fact, I quite love Mondays. I rarely schedule outside appointments for Mondays, Zilla and Hub are back at school and work, the cats sleep off their…

By Lisa March 6, 2017 Off