Awards Time – AKA Potentially Useless But Interesting Information About Me

February 5, 2015 Off By Lisa

My Mother always told me that if someone offers you a gift or a compliment, it’s just good manners to accept it.

So that’s what I’m doing here today. Miss Lizzi of Considerings offered me both a giftie and a compliment all at the same time by tagging me in this Sisterhood of the World Bloggers award she received. And so because it is both polite and wicked good fun, I shall commence providing said mundane trivia of my own as directed by the spirit of the award.


Lizzi has posed the following questions. (British spellings have been left intact.)

1. What is your most treasured memory?

Tough one. I thought of my wedding day, but I had walking pneumonia that day and was so sick and so medicated that I honestly can’t remember much of it. (Sorry, Hon!) I thought of the day Kidzilla was born, but the truth is it was a terrible birth experience and I was so out of it during and after that I don’t actually recall much. So I’m stuck. I think my most treasured memory is probably a collection of memories – small snippets of a particular afternoon here or a certain holiday there, a song, a voice, a look, a game…moments.

2. What makes you suddenly and disproportionately cross?

Sudden and unexpected changes in my plan. Any plan. This makes me unreasonably irritable and is something I have to guard against. I do not always succeed.

3. What’s your favourite item of clothing?

Yoga pants. But if we have to talk about real clothing that one might wear out in the world, then I’m going with a good pair of well-fitting jeans and a pair of boots. Well-fitting jeans don’t exist you say? Like I said…yoga pants. Or Thanksgiving pants…a cousin of the yoga pant.

 4. How good are you at keeping secrets?

I’ll never tell. Some secrets are relatively innocuous like keeping quiet about a surprise party or a gift. But some secrets are potentially dangerous. I will tell you this: if I suspect that someone wants to share something with me privately that may result in harm to that person or someone else, I will let them know before they divulge that if it is such a thing I will be obligated to tell someone.

5. Where is your favourite place in the world?

Home. I am a homebody. There is truly no place I would rather spend my time than in my own home surrounded by the people and things that I love.

6. What was the last thing that surprised you?

My Daughter is usually responsible for things that surprise me. I am surprised by her intelligence, her humor, the speed at which she is maturing, the size of her attitude, and how completely much I enjoy and adore her…all of it.  At Christmastime, the Fab Hub actually surprised me with a very sweet gift. It was partly the gift itself because it only took him nine thousand times to get the hints. But it was mostly the sentiment and explanation behind the gift that completely floored me.

7. When did you last realise you were learning something new?

Fascinating question. Sort of metacognitive. I’m not sure I could pinpoint a particular instance on this one. I know that I learn new things every day. I am actively aware that I am learning them as it happens. It’s just kind of who I am; I am a learner. If I could learn things for my vocation in life and actually make a living at it, I would do it.

8. What was the last dream you shared with someone?

Are we talking dreams as in life goals or dreams as in night time jaunts in the subconscious? If it’s the former, then it would be my dream to quit my toxic job situation and work for myself, living life on my own terms. If it’s the latter, OH how I wish I could remember it! I did have a completely absurd dream a few days ago. It was completely ludicrous and I recall that I described it in great detail to the Hub. I know that my Mother-in-Law was one of the main characters and that we were on some type of excursion. That is all I remember. As a child, though, I had one or two strange recurring dreams involving characters like alligators and the Tin Man.

 9. What is your favourite meal?

I am completely bad at favorites. Always have been. My answer to a question about a favorite this or that is always, “it depends.” And it truly does (except in the case of yoga pants; some things are absolutes). I tend to have two or three favorites of most things. But meals? Very difficult to choose. Instead, I’m going to sort of dodge the question, move away from specific foods, and say that my favorite meals are ones spent enjoying truly well-prepared food with good people.

10. If you could be someone else for a day, whom would it be?

As a rule, I am pretty comfortable in my own skin. If I had to choose, though, I think I’d like to be my Daughter. I’d like to experience the world from a child’s perspective again. I’d like to know how she feels as she goes through her day in the moments she is not with me. I’d love to know what goes on in that head of hers and drives her to do and say the things that she does. Let me be clear, though, that I only want to be my Daughter in her now state, not something like her teen years and have to experience things like high school again. Nobody needs a do-over on puberty.


So now I’m supposed to tag the others with whom I would like to share this award. Many of them have already been tapped by someone else, but I’m going to call them out here anyway. Perhaps they will feel doubly loved.

My questions for you are:

  1. What is one of your favorite habits you have?
  2. Would you prefer to travel by plane, train, or automobile? Why?
  3. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
  4. If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for?
  5. What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
  6. What was your favorite activity in gym class?
  7. If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?
  8. What’s your favorite part about today so far?
  9. If you were a type of animal, what would you be and why?
  10. What story does your family always tell about you?

Your turn…ready? Go. Share your post link with us or answer one or two in the comments.