Friday Favorites – Sort of Serious Edition

November 14, 2013 Off By Lisa

It has been a long and exhausting week, friends.

At the moment, I feel like Atlas holding up the celestial spheres. Things to do, things to think about, places to be, worries weighing on my mind…

In the midst of the chaos, though, I have a few favorite moments to share. Perhaps these are a bit more serious than some other Friday Favorites have been, but they are what come to mind right now. And, in a strange turn of events, I’m posting these on Thursday night – early – in a week where pretty much everything else has been late. Sometimes the world just makes absolutely no sense.

Anyway, here are a few favorite moments from my crazy week…

A teddy bear hug from the fattest Rotten Cat. As much as I might kvetch about them, the Rotten Cats really are a big part of our life and I can’t imagine not having them around. OK, yes I can…let me just think about that for a minute…  But seriously, sometimes a pet just kind of knows when to give you a little love. All three of these boys do, really, but tonight Cat One lumbered up to me and asked for some love at just the right moment. As I held his big cuddly self in my arms while he completely flopped and purred away like crazy, I thought “yeah, this is good right now.”

The Fab Hub making dinner. It doesn’t happen often. The Fab Hub is not in charge of dinner around here. Famous Fab Hub homemade waffles, yes. Perfect scrambled eggs, yes. But dinner is my department. Tonight, however, because I was totally fried and came home with an upset stomach, he came to the rescue and provided me and Kidzilla with some good old boxed mac and cheese. Thanks, Hon.

Kidzilla’s unconditional love and empathy. My daughter has always been extremely empathic. Since she was an infant, she has always been particularly perceptive of other people’s moods. Tonight, she curled up next to me and asked why I was upset. I gave her the five-second kid-appropriate version. I said I was sorry if I seemed cranky or sad. She said, “It’s OK, Mamma. I will always love you anyway.”

Figuring out a riddle. For some strange reason, the song “It Is Well with My Soul” kept crossing my notice this week. It’s not one I am overly familiar with, only marginally, so it seemed odd. But since I kept encountering it, I dug a bit, listened to it a few times, scanned the lyrics a few more times…couldn’t figure it out. Eventually, though, it became clear that it was to lead me elsewhere to words that brought some much-needed comfort.

Words of comfort. I love words. I think in words. Words speak to me deeply. Today, I found myself seeing and hearing the words that my soul needed to hear right now. With them in mind, I am retiring early tonight to get some rest.

Bonus! There’s always a bonus, isn’t there…?

The BFF slipping in a Steel Magnolias quote just under the wire. Made me smile. Steel Magnolias is always appropriate. And I have to say, I haven’t heard or used a good one in quite a few days. So yay.

That’s it for me. Off to bed.

I have a few things in the works…a fun survey-type post, a Liebster award challenge from Lizzi, some food favorites, a farewell to this season’s CSA, and a long overdue Soup of the Week.

Hope your week has been a good one. What were your favorite moments? Any votes for Soup of the Week? I’m clueless.