
April 10, 2014 Off By Lisa


The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it. An image that is seen in a mirror or on a shiny surface. Something that shows the effect, existence, or character of something else. A thing that is a consequence of or arises from something else. Serious thought or consideration.

Two completely unconnected incidents – a spoken phrase, a brief interaction – collided yesterday and sent me into deep reflection about each of them, separately and together. It did not take long for me to realize that I have been heartbroken. It’s a strong and dramatic word for sure, but it’s true. Events in our fairly recent past left me heartbroken – and it took me until just yesterday to be able to see it and to give it a name.

Maybe it was the song that played on the radio as I cried that did it. It was an instrumental version of a song long forgotten, but the words came rushing back in an instant. “I could have missed the pain, but I’d have had to miss the dance.” All of the heartbreak, the frustration, the upset of the last two years has been, at times, devastating.


And so, over many months, I’ve grieved. It has taken a while, but I finally may be pulling away from those feelings. My reflection yesterday felt like the end of a terrific catharsis. And yet, it left me wondering, doubting, questioning what I thought were perhaps good and solid ideas, plans, and feelings.

So often in these moments, I find myself missing my Grandparents terribly. They were such a powerful influence in my life for so much of my life. I still find myself talking to them, asking them for advice, as though we were sitting across the kitchen table again. And that’s where my mind was this morning when I saw it – a license plate on the car in front of me with one of their names on it. It was as though they were saying everything would be OK.

I went about my day and within hours several things began to happen. Things that have been stalled out or merely hypothetical were suddenly part of very real conversations. Did all of the events of the last day and a half really all swirl around one another to finally meet at this point? Some would say coincidence. I don’t believe in coincidence. .

Coincidence suggests something accidental – a collection of unrelated events or circumstances that share no apparent causal connection. Coincidence has no particular purpose or character. But if we are observant and wise enough to make a connection between these seemingly random occurrences, then we might come to a valuable conclusion. That becomes something serendipitous. And that’s where I am right now.

There is a reason things unfold as they do. I firmly believe that there is a plan and a purpose for each of our lives. Certainly, though, we make choices about what steps we will or will not take to achieve that plan and purpose. We can choose to get up from a fall or we can choose to stay on the ground. We can choose to remain angry and heartbroken or we can forgive and heal. We can choose to do nothing or we can choose to make a change.

Would life have been easier if we took a different path to get to today? Perhaps. But who would we be and where would we be now if it had all played out differently? Sometimes taking the difficult road – whether by choice or by force – makes all the difference. We did not choose the events of the last two years, but I believe we just might find great value in that which we did not seek.


And so my reflections over the last couple of days have done precisely what that definition says – they have thrown light back over all of this. They have shown the effect it has had on us. They have revealed the existence and character who we are and who we are yet to become. Today is a consequence of or has arisen from all the rest. And I am so glad – and grateful – to be able to see the possibility that lies ahead.


Mama’s Losin’ It