Tag: patience

TToT – Wants, Needs, and Practicality

It is not always possible to do or get what you want. Sure, that would be nice, wouldn’t it? To be able to do exactly what you want to do when you want to do it? To be able to have anything you want right when you desire it? Sounds awesome, doesn’t it? Maybe. But then…

By Lisa February 14, 2016 Off

TToT – We’re Here Already?

I can’t believe it’s the weekend again already. I also can’t believe that Halloween and Thanksgiving have come and gone, that autumn is now two-thirds past, and we’re heading rapidly toward Hanukkah next weekend and Christmas not far behind. Time moves so fast… What is it that Ferris Bueller said? “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t…

By Lisa November 29, 2015 Off

Having Gratitude for Hardship – A #1000Speak Post

I’ve been thinking for weeks about my post for this month’s 1000 Voices for Compassion link-up. Weeks. My #1000Speak efforts are most often fall under the umbrella of self-compassion – something I know so many of us struggle with and need to remember to practice. For some reason, I just couldn’t marry the gratitude theme…

By Lisa November 26, 2015 Off

On Hardship

Let me tell you something about hardship. You are never prepared for it. You can tell yourself that you are. You can tell yourself that you’ve thought through all the possibilities that could befall you and can handle whatever life hurls at you. But no matter how much you think you’re prepared, when that moment comes –…

By Lisa November 21, 2015 Off

TToT – Finding My Groove…and Peace

Wow. Just wow. Well, I muddled through OctPoWriMo – sorta. I somehow anticipated having more time, producing more words, posting more posts…then life happened. I even missed a TToT or two which I truly never do. And now, here we are a week into November and NaNoWriMo I’m feeling a bit like I’m trying to climb a very…

By Lisa November 9, 2015 Off

TToT – My People

There’s a lot going on around here right now. The in-real world is pretty stressful and demanding right now and I’d be lying if I said I’m handling with anything close to finesse. I’m not. I’m exhausted. I’m not sleeping. My eczema is springing up like crazy. I’m getting pimples – and that’s ridiculous. I…

By Lisa October 11, 2015 Off

TToT – The Interim

Unbelievably, here we are at the end of summer. School begins on Monday for Kidzilla, so this is our last weekend of summer freedom. But I still can’t pull my brain away from the thought that summer lasts until Labor Day and this whole back-to-school before Labor Day thing is nonsense. So for the next…

By Lisa August 28, 2015 Off

TToT – Hiatus

Apparently, I’m on hiatus. Not even kidding. Look back at my blog calendar since June and you will see a significant lack of posting. The TToT still makes it in each week, but lately that’s about it. Oh, I have ideas…loads of them. Drafts, too. Half-written, abandoned, “meh, nobody will want to read this” kind…

By Lisa August 8, 2015 Off