This One Time I Laughed So Hard I Couldn’t Breathe – A Finish the Sentence Friday Five

February 13, 2015 Off By Lisa

BOOM! Would you look at what I did up there with that title?

I couldn’t decide if I should do a Finish the Sentence Friday post or my Friday Five this week. So you know what? I’m doing both. Together. In one post. Let’s roll…

This one time, I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe. Seriously. You know you’re having a good week when you laugh so hard that tears stream down your face and you can’t breathe.

You’re having a GREAT week if that happens more than once. Today I am happy to share with you five things that absolutely cracked me up this week. Come along…

Let’s start with Kidzilla. This girl has spot-on comedic timing and delivery. She makes me laugh regularly. She makes her Fab Dad laugh regularly, too. That usually occurs in the middle of a conversation about some discipline issue when she drops a hilarity bomb and he loses it. Nice, Hon. Thanks for the parental solidarity.

If you’ve read any of my Conversations with Kidzilla posts, you know how wicked funny our girl can be. Today I offer you not an entire conversation, but a single amusing malaprop.

I wish I could tell you what we were talking about – I think it was the school lunch menu. Zilla looks at the monthly menu, selects the days she wants to buy lunch, and hangs it on the kitchen calendar. While she was discussing lunch with me, the Hub and I were talking about something else. All of a sudden, Zilla pipes in about the calendar.

Z: Mom! There is no lunch on the nudist missile this month.

Me: Excuse me???

FH: Whaaaat???

Me: What, exactly, is a nudist missile and why is there one in school?

Z (looking over her glasses at me the way her Fab Dad does): Mom. Not nudist missile. Noon. Dis. Miss. Uhl.

Me: No lunch on the day you have noon dismissal…right. That makes perfect sense.

But the nudist missile was way more funny.

Z: So what’s a nudist missile, anyway?

Me: I’ll tell you when you’re twenty-one. Next topic.


Then there’s my phone. My phone gets me in trouble sometimes. Well, more accurately, the auto-correct does weird things and it causes confusion which results in great hilarity.

Especially when my Husband gets involved.

See, the Hub thinks he’s funny. He’s not. Poor timing, bad delivery…just…not. But we love him anyway. And when you combine my bad auto-correct problem, his lack of comedic ability, and his attempts to actually be funny…our text exchanges get a little out of hand.

Take these gems, for example. This is what happens when I try to use the voice to text option.

Here we were talking about going to the farmers’ market. I was trying to say that I love getting herbed feta but didn’t necessarily need any this week…

Text 1

And then there’s this conversation. I think you’ll get the gist…just keep in mind that if there is any background noise when I try to use voice to text it does not process correctly. And don’t miss the Hub’s Monty Python reference in there.

Slacker 1Slacker 2Slacker 3Slacker 4Slacker 5I particularly love how we ended up back at the exact same error that started the whole thing. OK, one more…

When the Hub is on an errand run, he very thoughtfully texts me to tell me when he leaves one store and heads to another. He also tells me when he arrives. This way I never have to worry. Well, I don’t have to worry about whether he’s safe. Sometimes I do have to be concerned about his purchases…he buys weird stuff once in a while.

I should probably note here that the man has been campaigning to get a ferret for about the last ten years. We are not getting a ferret. I’m certain that by this point he understands that we are not getting a ferret, but still he persists. It’s become a running joke. At least I think it’s a joke. He may actually still be half serious about it. (Wegz, by the way, is our supermarket.)

No Ferret 1No Ferret 2No Ferret 3


And then there is the final phone faux pas for the week. I’m going to guess (and hope) that Dyanne won’t mind if I share this one. Dyanne and I were chatting the other night via the Facebook message thing – an entity I do not completely understand. (Facebook, that is, not Dyanne). I had my phone plugged into my laptop to charge so I was seeing her messages on the laptop screen as well as the Facebook messenger app.

At one point, we were trying to figure out why one of us could see the other’s location and one of us could not. We went about it in a very scientific manner which involved me starting to push buttons and symbols on my phone to figure out why my location was visible. Somehow – I have NO idea how – my phone called Dyanne! All of a sudden my phone was talking to me very faintly.

Lisa? Lisa?

I was surprised as hell. Creeped out, actually. So I started cracking up. The Hub was sitting right next to me and asked what the problem was. I said something very polite and controlled like, “I have no idea. There’s a voice coming from my phone and I have no idea why because Dyanne and I were just chatting via messenger.”

Know what he said? He said, “Huh.” Thanks for your help, bud.

Somehow, after more polite audible musings as to the cause of the call, I made the voice thing go away – I have no idea what I did to start it and so consequently I also can not tell you how I made it stop. We continued chatting and tried to figure out what happened.

Me: OK so that was WAY weird. Did it call your phone???

Dyanne: Yes! I kept saying Lisa? Lisa?

That’s the part I heard – and it completely freaked me out. I mean, if you make a phone call it’s expected. But since we were just chatting and I didn’t even have her number, it was weird. Very weird.

Me: How is that even possible?

D: Then I said IT’S ME! YOU CALLED ME!

Me: How can it call a number I don’t have?

D: Kind of creepy, isn’t it?

Um, yeah. They make movies about stuff like that. Scary movies.

We decided to chalk it up to some kind of sorcery and leave it at that. Some things are just better left unexplained.


So there you have it friends, five things that completely cracked me up this week. And I managed to make my Friday Five and the Finish the Sentence Friday prompt work. Right?

This one time, when I tried to combine two posts? Nailed it!

Now it’s your turn: Were there moments of hilarity in your week? Have you ever laughed so hard you cried or couldn’t breathe? Tell your stories in the comments because that is by far the best part of the post!


Finish the Sentence Friday