TToT – Even When I’m Cranky Edition

January 24, 2014 Off By Lisa

I have been dumping my items of thankful in a post draft all week.

I wanted to make sure that I didn’t forget any moments and I didn’t want to hit the end of the week and feel like I had this big job to finish after what I knew was going to be a stressful week.

It was. It still is. And I was pretty glad to know I had my list at the ready and wouldn’t have to think too hard. Truth be told, I’m in a pretty foul mood. I suppose a post focused on finding the good and happy moments isn’t really where that belongs and who really wants to know that, right? Exactly. Nobody. So I decided I didn’t feel like posting.

I clicked over to Lizzi’s to see if she had posted her TToT and sure enough she had. I saw that she had a tough week as well and was glad to know I had company. I got excited for a minute to see that if I finished up my post, I could link up at #2 right behind Lizzi and that was cool. But I really still didn’t feel like it.

When I went back to link, I saw some others had already linked their posts and so I’m glad I read. It was good to read other people’s ups and downs and moments of thankful. So that can be my first item of Thankful this week. Finally inspired to finish, here I am…

Despite being exhausted and way overstressed. Despite being irritated or angry or cranky about several different things. I’m finishing my list and putting it up because I think if I don’t I just might hit that dark cloud of miserable crappiness and I just really don’t want to spend the weekend there.

Positive thinking and behavior does come easy some days. And it comes much harder on others. Today is one of the harder days. I’m not sad. I’m not upset. I’m just really really cranky so I’m looking at my moments of good from the week on purpose. No numbers.

I was pleased to find out that I have a whole 15 followers on Bloglovin’ who are following my little blog. Woot!

Last weekend was my first as a TToT co-host and it went swimmingly. At least it did from my perspective.

Zilla had a holiday from school on Monday. I did not. (See how the cranky starts?) I had to laugh when the Fab Hub told me that Zilla decided to clean up her playroom without being asked. Her idea. And she did a great job.

I wrote this next one in anticipation – how silly. I was going to say here that I am thankful that my deadlines are met and all work accomplished by the end of Friday. That did not happen. I would love to have said that a positive attitude and adherence to a well-laid plan helped me accomplish said work. I did manage to stay pretty positive about it through the week – I was making steady progress and I only had one holy-crap-I’ll-never-get-this-finished meltdown. But I was working on less sleep for the week than most people get in a night at that point, so I think my tolerance level that night was at a significant deficit.

I can still say that I am thankful for the second wind or amazing burst of adrenaline or simple use of hyper focus – whatever – that allowed said work to be mostly accomplished. See how I just had to add a word in there? I did manage to keep picking at the list of gotta-do’s and not get too bogged down in the up against a deadline mentality. I keep going.

So I guess I can toss an extra in here and say I should probably feel thankful that I don’t have all that much left to finish. The light at the end of the tunnel is pretty easy to see at this point.

I am thankful for coffee. See above.

I am thankful that the Fab Hub supervised bath time/bedtime duty not one but two nights in a row so that I could get some of this crap finished in a timelier manner than waiting until after Zilla is in bed and then starting my work for the evening. And to extend that thought, I’m beyond happy that Kidzilla handled the deviation from routine as well as she did and with minimal antagonizing of her Fab Dad. Zilla does not generally do well when her routine deviates from the norm – it throws her off and upsets her. But she did a great job. Add that to continued improvement in school work and behavior and My Girl is really making me proud.

Polar Vortex part two here this week has me very grateful for warm blankets on cold nights. And the fact that we have plenty of warm blankets to pile on is an item of thankfulness all unto itself.

I am most definitely happy to report that I did not actually break the cat when I sat on him in a huffing, flop of exasperation at 3AM Friday morning. Why I didn’t assume he would be in his normal chair sleeping is beyond me. Why I was grumbling around the house at 3AM in the dark is beyond me. OK, not it’s not – I was tired and cranky and stressed and then I couldn’t sleep. Add all that stuff together and you get what will probably be funny in a day or two – me crashing down on Cat One. I swear I heard a sound like a little cat bone snapping. But no cat screaming followed and he did get up in a very large huff and storm away from me. So I’m pretty sure he’s fine. Whew!

I have no idea how many that is, but I’m going with it. No edits here tonight – this is the raw stuff, friends. I am sure that the TToT will work its magic in the hours and days that follow this posting.

Share your moments of thankful – or crankful – in the comments. Or better yet, link up with us this week!


Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts