TToT – Summer Break Week One

June 21, 2014 Off By Lisa

I feel like I should have a whole lot more to list here this week and somehow I’m struggling to remember what to add. I’m also struggling with a good title and so please notice the lame one I’ve settled for. Since I’ve already missed half the weekend, I  guess I’ll just go with what comes to mind and hope the Guard Virgins will give me a fast pass this week…

I am pretty thankful for summer vacation – it’s been one full week of no school for both me and Kidzilla so we’re officially in summer break mode here. I hate the feeling that life has been waiting for this school year to end. So that’s a big one.

And on that note, I’m thankful that the Hub, Zilla, and I have not driven each other crazy yet. No, really. With all three of us home right now, it’s been a bit of a challenge to figure out our routine. We’re not there yet – there have been so many things to tackle that we haven’t quite settled in.

I’m thankful that we purged all of our closets and have about six big bags of clothing ready for hand-me-down or donation deliveries. Hard to believe we had that much sitting in the closets and drawers that wasn’t being used. So I’ll add on here that I’m thankful that we don’t want for things to wear and have enough to pass on and share with others. That feels good.

I’m thankful that we are cleaning out and purging pretty much the entire house over the next couple of weeks. We need to for about five different reasons. The primary reason is to prepare the rooms that are having hardwood floors installed next week. We need to get just about everything out of the room except large furniture items so the crew can take care of business. That covers all three bedrooms and the three rooms on the main floor where we do most of our living. Since that takes care of the bulk of the house, we’ll just finish up with an overhaul of the kitchen cabinets and just give ourselves a clean slate. I’m looking forward to a cleaner, more organized, more streamlined and simplified atmosphere at home.

Since we’re already in clean-out mode, it seemed only logical to do a Clean Out the Kitchen Week while we’re at it. We’ve already had a couple of good smoothies from just what was handy, and at least two dinner meals and a soup (posts forthcoming). It’s a good feeling to finish up the ends of supplies and figure out how to create something delicious from just what’s on hand. And it always reinforces my feeling that we keep good, solid ingredients in the kitchen that can easily become meals.

I am very thankful for CSA season once again! We’re three weeks in and I am so happy to have farm fresh veggies each week. A secondary item of thankful comes from the CSA box, too, because the arrival of the veggies each week makes meal planning just a bit easier – I don’t have to think about what vegetable to get from the market; we just choose from what’s available and make the meals work around that. And let’s go one more for the CSA (indirectly, I guess) because it has inspired a couple of good recipes this week that kept us from having to waste some of the bounty that was just slightly past its prime.

I’m thankful for the change in schedule allowing for more time to think and write and read.

I’m thankful that the Hub knows that when I’m frustrated and stressed I’m not that pleasant to live with and manages to still keep me around anyway.

I’m thankful to have more hours with Kidzilla to do whatever – chores, errands, reading, playing, napping. I miss her terribly when we’re both at school and having this time together is grand.

I’m thankful that Cat One is feeling better. He was some kind of sick for several days earlier this week. Every now and then he gets like this and it always worries me because he’s just so not himself. He’s up and around and getting into trouble again so that’s a good thing.

I’m thankful in advance that the Fab Hub is going to vacuum like crazy today because…well, three cats, that’s why. I can’t WAIT for those hard floors…so much easier to keep clean than this nasty carpet.

OK, that feels like ten to me and I have some work to do this afternoon, so I’m out. And oh, look, I don’t even have any cool new photos to share, so let’s go with another look at Zilla’s artwork from this week’s Rotten Cats story because how happy is this scene?

20140617_124111[1]Link up with us to share your thankful moments from the week or tell about them in the comments!


 Ten Things of Thankful