TToT – Warm-Up and Move Forward Edition

January 11, 2014 Off By Lisa

So I go hog-wild last weekend and post not one but TWO TToT lists and then…

…a very lame Wordless Wednesday (which does indeed have a whole lot of words)…

…and nothing else.

I have so many drafts in my drafts folder and I am quite excited to finish and post them, but all sit unfinished at the moment and I have nothing else up on the blog for the week. My hands have just hurt too much to write this week. But we’ll get to that in a second.

Right now, without further delay, a few moments of thankful for the week…

First and foremost, I am thankful for the bizarre weather patterns that at the moment are bringing us 60 degree temperatures today. After the long week of severe cold, the warm-up is strange, but welcome. These extreme temperatures have done a number on the joints in my hands – my RA does not like the cold and my hands have just hurt too much to do some of the things I normally like to do. Using the computer keyboard is one of those things that just weren’t going to happen with the level of pain I experienced this week. But at the moment, things are pretty warm and the hands feel pretty great. So my first item is a two-fer – I’m thankful for the warmer temps as well as the relief of this hand pain.

I was most definitely thankful that my position as a teacher afforded me the luxury – and I use the word on purpose – of some snow days and delays over the last week and a half. There is definitely something to be said for not having to go out in the bitter cold temps and snow so that’s a definite perk. I probably won’t be as thankful come spring when we’re making up all these missed days, but in the moment, I’m pretty grateful to be able to stay home in the warm house.

Unless, of course, it’s not warm. We woke up one morning this week to a very cold house and discovered that the heat was not working! Sub-zero temperature days are not when you want to find out your heat system is on the fritz. But the Fab Hub made some early morning phone calls and we were most thankful to find a local HVAC company who was willing to send us a serviceperson almost immediately. We are also very thankful that the problem was fixed within a couple of hours and that the cost wasn’t something exorbitant.

I am thankful for the rainy day. I love rain and rainy days, no matter what. I love this one because besides the warmer temperatures, the rain has pretty much eradicated all evidence of snow, ice, salt, and other such snow-related nonsense from the world. After too many days and too many snowstorms, all of that adds up to a great big feeling of yuck so the rain feels pretty refreshing.

I am also incredibly thankful for a nice long sleep-in morning today. The dark and rainy morning provided perfect opportunity for all three of us and the cats to sleep in late and get some extra rest.

Last night the Fab Hub and I went out to dinner. Alone. Minus our terrific Kidzilla. We adore her, without a doubt, but sometimes a Mom and Dad just need a night out that’s grownups only. Considering that the last time we went out alone was about a year ago, we were pretty grateful for the opportunity. Thankfulness is also in order to the Super Sister and Super Mom who hosted a pizza and movie night for Kidzilla while we made our escape.

I am thankful that a request for a much-needed deadline extension was granted this week. Now here’s hoping that it’s enough and the work does get done on time. Fingers crossed!

I am very happy that I’ve managed to get my fifteen minutes of de-cluttering efforts in almost every day this week. I admit to having missed two days for good reason, but the progress around here has been significant. On more than one occasion, I’ve gone over the fifteen minute minimum and I’m sure that today’s de-cluttering efforts will as well, so I’ll still be on track for that goal.

Speaking of my de-cluttering goal, it reminds me of my One Word goals. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my word – Focus – and trying to figure out how to streamline and hone that concept from the very broad way I approached it last year and a blog friend gave me some inspiration the other day. So a great big shout out and wave of thankfulness goes to Steve over at Do Something Cool for his thoughts on how to approach the Focus thing. On his blog, Steve talks about his world travels, thinking and acting with purpose, and so much more. Click over and take a look.

Lizzi gets a shout out here today, too – thanks for my Sunshine Award, friend! My post is coming, I promise. I am absolutely floored to be on your list (or anybody’s, really) because I definitely do not consider myself a ray of sunshine.

I think that about does for me today. I need to get back to a work project that simply must be crossed off my list today. Here’s hoping I’m thankful for having accomplished that later.


Ten Things of Thankful