Rotten Cat Wednesday

April 14, 2015 Off By Lisa

This is Cat One. When I took this photo, he was howling at me because the laundry basket was in “his” spot at the foot of our bed.20150412_213455[1]

And here he is happy after I removed the offending basket. After the photo, he immediately proceeded to lick himself enthusiastically. Nobody needs to see that.


Here we have Cat Three. He’s helping me clean the kitchen floor. He also hollers at me. He usually does it when he wants me to join him for a nap on our bad. Or in the middle of the night when he thinks I should wake up and play with him. Forget it, bud.

20150413_094626[1]And finally, our littlest cat, Cat Two. I have no idea what he’s doing. Probably just scooting around. He’s kind of bad at being a cat. But at least he doesn’t holler at me.


Want to know more about the Rotten Cats? Here are some of their greatest hits:

How a Self-Proclaimed Cat Hater Ends Up Living with Three Rotten Cats

Meet the Rotten Cats

The Tragedy of Three Rotten Cats

Top Ten Reasons the Three Rotten Cats Drive Me Insane

Rotten Cats are Good for Some Things

Household Uses for Rotten Cats

Descent into Rotten Cat Hell

Why My Cat is an @$$hole

The Tale of the Three Rotten Cats and the Very Bad Mask (or How to Scare a Rotten Cat)

Want more? Just hit the home page and click on the tag for “Rotten Cats.” I’m always kind of amazed how often they manage to sneak themselves into my blog posts.
