Tag: funny stuff

Can’t Touch This…

Remember M.C. Hammer?  The song “Can’t Touch This”?  Then you surely remember that great late ’80s fashion craze called “Hammer Pants.” I have lived through many fashion mistakes…many many fashion mistakes.  I am certain that yesterday was yet another.  I was surprised, though, at the speed with which My Sister suggested that my Hammer Pants phase was my…

By Lisa August 16, 2012 Off

Writing Workshop: Worst Meal Ever

Today, I was horrified by inspired by Kitchen Witch’s story about Shipwreck Casserole – I have never heard of such a thing.  Her story immediately brought to mind some of my least favorite childhood meals.  So I decided to join MamaKat’s Writing Workshop this week and play along…

By Lisa August 10, 2012 Off

Did You Really Say What I Think You Said?

Sometimes life is absurd. Over the several years, Fab Husband and I have found ourselves saying things out loud that are seemingly absurd.  Generally, it is something one of us overhears when the other is in the next room.  By themselves, these things are truly absurd.  However, when placed within the context of raising a…

By Lisa August 3, 2012 Off

Know What Really Bugs Me?

I hate bugs.  A lot. Actually, it’s more accurate to say that I am terrified of bugs, therefore I hate bugs.  I can’t explain it (guess where they get the term “irrational fear”).  I cannot recall any particular bug ever doing anything unspeakable to me, other than a mosquito bite or a bee sting.  But I…

By Lisa July 27, 2012 Off

A Lobster Tale

I have decided today is Lobster Tale day because I just saw this story in the headlines ten seconds ago.  In addition, Fab Husband is wearing a t-shirt with a lobster on it.  A large lobster.  So in honor of both versions of lobster that crossed my path today, I felt compelled to share our Lobster…

By Lisa July 19, 2012 Off

The Tragedy of Three Rotten Cats

Shakespeare.  The Tragedy of Macbeth.  Act 4, Scene 1. Setting:  A cavern. In the middle, a boiling cauldron. Thunder.  Enter the three Witches. First Witch: Thrice the brinded cat hath mewed. Mew.  Mew.  Mew. There is a Rotten Cat staring at me.  The Others are here as well.  Staring.  All Three Rotten Cats are here…

By Lisa July 17, 2012 Off

Where Does This Go?

Eight and a half years of marriage (or 60-ish if you ask Fab Husband), six years in our current home…and my Husband still has no idea where we keep things.  (I, on the other hand, am expected to know the precise location of every item in the house, regardless of ownership of said item.)  I…

By Lisa July 14, 2012 Off

How a Self-Proclaimed Cat Hater Ends Up Living with Three Rotten Cats

As I write this, my Fabulous Husband is finishing up some vacuuming…to rid our home of this week’s allotment of cat hair! This is part of why he is fabulous. A) I haven’t touched a vacuum cleaner since we got married (HATE vacuuming more than cleaning toilets) and B) he is in charge of all…

By Lisa July 9, 2012 Off