Tag: goals

TToT – Outside My Comfort Zone

I am standing outside of my comfort zone. It feels good. Recently, I have put myself and my writing “out there” for others to see, to critique, and to share. I am thankful that I had the courage to do it and I am thankful for the feedback I’ve received. I am thankful for inspiration to write…

By Lisa March 21, 2015 Off

FTSF – I Have No Proudest Moment

I have no proudest moment to share with you. I am terrible with superlatives. Favorite? Best? Proudest? Worst? I am always struck dumb when asked to name only one. After thinking about this for days, I find myself reaching the same conclusion once again. I can not name any one proudest moment.

By Lisa March 21, 2015 Off

Progress and Change

I would love to write something profound and witty for you today. In the interest of efficiency and a need for a good night’s sleep, however, I’m opting for simple. In the next few days, I will be rolling out some changes for the blog and I wanted you to have a bit of a…

By Lisa February 23, 2015 Off

What Was that Word Again?

About this time last year, I chose my One Word for 2014. Well, maybe I re-chose it. Or perhaps it chose me. My word was Focus. I knew I had not reached all of my goals in the area of improving my focus during 2013, so I wanted to recommit. And I did. I worked on…

By Lisa January 11, 2015 Off

TToT – Between the Holidays

So here we are. It’s the end of a year once again and the beginning of a new one waits just ahead. I have been feeling rather reflective the last couple of weeks, even amidst the busy-ness of the holidays. Here between the Christmas and New Year holidays seems a good time to do that. The…

By Lisa December 27, 2014 Off

TToT – Taking Care of Business

I am late to the party this week, but I’m here! It’s been a very eventful week and there is much to do in the week ahead. For now, I want to pause for just a few minutes and make note of the week’s highlights. There is much for which to be thankful… First, on a…

By Lisa August 10, 2014 Off

Turning Point – The First Day

There is no better way to introduce it or say it than to just do it: The Fab Hub has a brand new job!!! Woo hoo! Hooray! And thank the Lord! It’s exactly what he needs to make this break into the world of IT. It’s the door we have been hoping would open. I…

By Lisa August 6, 2014 Off