Tag: learning

An Easier Life – #10Thankful

Life is hard. My daughter tells me of things she thinks are hard: Homework, carrying a heavy school bag, and waking up early for school are hard. Sometimes math is hard or getting along with other kids. She’s right; those things are hard. We talk about why they are hard and how to make them more bearable or…

By Lisa October 16, 2016 Off

A Sense of Home – #10Thankful

I’ve been thinking a lot about home lately. Kristi’s Finish the Sentence Friday prompt this week was “when it comes to home…” So, naturally, I spent time thinking about the idea of home. And while I procrastinated pondered, I took a look at the things I had saved for my #10Thankful post last this week. Many were simple…

By Lisa September 26, 2016 Off


I’ve forgotten how closely she watches me. Sometimes it’s difficult to remember when she’s engrossed in a book or staring at a movie. It’s difficult to remember when she’s hunched over her Legos, brows furrowed as she figures out the best combination of bricks to make the structure she sees in her mind take shape in this…

By Lisa September 18, 2016 Off

#10Thankful – Cycles and Seasons

If one thing is certain in life, it is cycles. Seasons come and go, night turns surely to morning, and years pass more quickly than we might hope. It’s hard not to see this time of year as an end. It is the end of summer, the end of sleeping in and staying up late,…

By Lisa September 11, 2016 Off

#10Thankful – Standing in Motion

I believe I am standing in motion. I worked on a thousand things all week, produced results, and yet I somehow feel as though I have accomplished little because none of my projects can be moved to the “finished” list. But maybe finished does not always equal successful (or vice versa) and just being in process is quite a good thing…

By Lisa July 30, 2016 Off

#10Thankful – A Heavy Heart

It has been a week of such sadness. I’m sure most of you know of the terribly sad and tragic headlines that have filled our news feeds this week. My heart is also heavy for people in my life who are grieving the loss of family and beloved companions, people who are struggling with illness,…

By Lisa July 11, 2016 Off

#10Thankful – Another Year Older

So my blog and I both had birthdays this week. My blog is four years old. Imagine that. And me? Well, I’m four and then some. Birthdays have a way of prompting retrospection, don’t they. At least for me. I often find myself reflective around birthdays – take time to consider where I’ve been, where…

By Lisa July 3, 2016 Off

A Thousand Rebirths

I’ve been born a thousand times. The first time, the most obvious, was my physical birth. On the night I was born, my Mom sat at her parents’ kitchen table and played cards until 1:00 AM before heading for the hospital; I was born forty minutes later.  I wish I could tell you I am as expedient…

By Lisa May 15, 2016 Off

Listen to Your Mother 2016: A Reflection

Everyone has a story to tell. Yet very often we keep those stories to ourselves, unready or unwilling to share them with the world. One of my favorite movies is Steel Magnolias – for so many reasons. Early in the film Truvy (played by Dolly Parton) tries to find out more about her new employee, Annelle (Daryl Hannah). “Well…tell…

By Lisa May 10, 2016 Off

Choose Happiness – A #1000Speak Post

What makes you happy? No, it’s not a trick question. I’m serious. Sit down. Close your eyes and think about it for a few minutes. Now, answer the question: What makes you happy?     The answer, of course, will differ for everyone. The things, experiences, even people that bring us joy are as varied as we are.…

By Lisa March 20, 2016 Off