TToT – Dashing Off Again

July 18, 2014 Off By Lisa

I would much rather be in bed falling asleep right now than writing my TToT list.

Can’t blame a girl for being honest. But the truth is that if I don’t do this now – quickly – I won’t do it at all because there won’t be a moment to do so. We’ve been busy this week in lots of great ways, which I’m figuring have to add up to ten great things for which I am thankful.

For starters, despite a few days where the plans just got totally derailed, we tackled several big jobs around the house. Come back Monday or Tuesday for The Great Clean and Purge Project update for more details.

Some of the reasons we got derailed this week are good ones. I want to leave it at that for the moment. Stay tuned. (Sorry, Dyanne – I know you hate when I leave you hanging…)

The Fab Hub and I got to go on two dates this week, neither one very sexy. Grocery shopping and other such errand-ish nonsense. But sometimes it’s good to grab a parents-only date any way you can.

The reason we were able to grab those dates was that Zilla has had Vacation Bible School all week. She absolutely loved it. She loved last year, but she really loved it this year – participated much more than she did last summer and sang and danced her little pants off all week. She came home excited every day and told us all about every part of it. That makes a Mamma and Dadda very happy.

And VBS gives me yet another opportunity to say how impressed and proud I am of our Zilla. If you have any experience with Vacation Bible School, you know it involves snacks. And when your kid has issues with things like food dye…well, snack time isn’t the easiest part of the week. I am thankful for the people who run VBS and their attention to detail – they provided a snack list for parents so that those who need to can be aware of allergens, etc. and send alternative snacks. So there’s that. And I am thankful once again that our Zilla is so great about knowing what she can and can’t eat, understanding why, and just being so completely mature about the whole thing. In an effort to make her week’s experience as close to the rest of the group as possible, I scoured the Internet for ingredient lists and substitute products and managed to duplicate darn near everything they were serving with really only one exception: there is simply no healthy and dye-free substitute for Jell-O. Period.

But it gets better. We have caring people who provided a food list for us. I found Zilla alternate snacks. Her group leaders made sure she got her own personal snack from the kitchen each day and looked out for her when a surprise snack showed up. Zilla handled the whole thing like a champ. AND…this is the part that kind of gets me a little choked up…AND our Zilla was so appreciative of the extra effort to keep her snacks Zilla-friendly I was floored. I kind of expect her to take it in stride by now. But she was so grateful it just amazed me. I had to tell my Mom, particularly because it is such a far cry from The Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie Incident of my childhood. But that’s another story.

What else…oh, the Hub makes the list again. He took over a chore for me this week that I had just basically given up on. He finished the job and I am thrilled. If you want the details, check out The Great Clean and Purge Project update early next week. I should also be thankful here for him putting up with my drama about the whole thing. And my whining. And my unreasonable reactions to one or two other things this week. He tolerates my nonsense and for that I am always thankful.

Lunch with an old and dear friend. That was a great treat. Good food, good conversation, and a chocolate chip cookie dough fudge brownie for dessert. How decadent.

New sheets with lobsters on them – how fun is that? My Aunt grabbed them for us because she knows we have The Lobster Thing so these are just terrific.


Surprising Zilla with fresh flowers from the market – in her favorite colors, of course – to put inside the cutest basket we found several weeks ago. I saw a woman with them at the market this morning and knew Zilla would love them so I grabbed a bunch. The Hub and Zilla had their own mac and cheese lunch date while I was out so I wasn’t home when she saw them, but he said she just loved them. That makes me happy.

20140718_143507[1]I am thankful for thirty minutes of solitude this morning. Zilla was at VBS, the Hub was out on an errand, and I got to take a shower, get dressed, and dry my hair uninterrupted.

Even better yet, a lazy nap this afternoon because…why not? What is summer vacation if you can’t take a nap just because you feel like it?  And I am thankful that I didn’t beat myself up about it and take a guilt trip about whatever chore didn’t get done.

I could probably go on, but it’s time for bed. And the best part? There is still an entire weekend to go and we have lots of great things planned!

What has made you happy and thankful this week? You know what to do…share in the comments or link up with us!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Ten Things of Thankful