Category: Love

TToT – Complications

I don’t even know why I call these posts ten things of thankful anymore – I’ve long since given up listing or counting anything. I suppose it’s because that’s how it began and it’s how we continue to identify with one another. This is a great little group we have here and that comfortable identity is…

By Lisa February 20, 2017 Off

Finding Your Peace

I’ve noticed a trend. It’s nothing earth-shattering or headline-prompting like you’re probably thinking. The trend at the moment is simply that I, despite all good intentions to the contrary, have managed to miss hitting Kristi’s Finish the Sentence Friday link-up deadline for three weeks running. The reasons are varied, but the end result is the same.…

By Lisa February 19, 2017 Off

Hello. It’s Been A While. (A Ten Things of Thankful Post)

It’s a good thing I didn’t make a New Year’s resolution to post here more. Somehow I got out of the habit of delivering any finished product to this page. It’s not for lack of ideas or inspiration; I have a ton of things drafted and scribbled in my notebooks. They somehow just don’t make…

By Lisa February 5, 2017 Off

This Christmas

“This is going to be the best Christmas ever.” This is what my daughter told me this weekend as we brought out our Christmas tree, shopped for some new strings of lights, and hung the ornaments on our tree. We’ve been easing our way into our Christmas preparations. We like to take it slow, focusing…

By Lisa December 11, 2016 Off

The Morning After

So. Here we are. The election is over and you would have to live under a rock to be unaware of the climate this morning. Sure, about half of the people in the U.S. are mighty pleased with themselves this morning, but the other half are devastated. I don’t do politics here on the blog.…

By Lisa November 9, 2016 Off

A Sense of Home – #10Thankful

I’ve been thinking a lot about home lately. Kristi’s Finish the Sentence Friday prompt this week was “when it comes to home…” So, naturally, I spent time thinking about the idea of home. And while I procrastinated pondered, I took a look at the things I had saved for my #10Thankful post last this week. Many were simple…

By Lisa September 26, 2016 Off

Our Inherent Good – A #1000Speak Post

We can easily strike up a debate about the inherent nature of humans. Are we inherently good? Or are qualities like goodness, kindness, and compassion learned behaviors? Are they the product of nature or nurture? It’s easy to look at today’s headlines about the tragic events plaguing our world, and say no, there is no good.  …

By Lisa September 23, 2016 Off


I’ve forgotten how closely she watches me. Sometimes it’s difficult to remember when she’s engrossed in a book or staring at a movie. It’s difficult to remember when she’s hunched over her Legos, brows furrowed as she figures out the best combination of bricks to make the structure she sees in her mind take shape in this…

By Lisa September 18, 2016 Off

#10Thankful – Standing in Motion

I believe I am standing in motion. I worked on a thousand things all week, produced results, and yet I somehow feel as though I have accomplished little because none of my projects can be moved to the “finished” list. But maybe finished does not always equal successful (or vice versa) and just being in process is quite a good thing…

By Lisa July 30, 2016 Off