Tag: school

TToT – Breathing Space

I can breathe. Seems obvious, right? But no. Ever since we all had the flu back in mid-February, I have been unable to breathe well for one reason or another – upper respiratory congestion, lower respiratory congestion, whatever. Over-the-counter nasal spray has become my close companion, but while it provides blessed and instant relief, that…

By Lisa March 27, 2017 Off

TToT – I’m Back!

Did you miss me? I was a little surprised when I looked at my last TToT and realized that I skipped two weekends in a row. TToT is not something I skip. But I did say I was taking an Internet break during the holidays and apparently I was serious. I really did take a…

By Lisa January 9, 2016 Off

TToT When I’m Not Really Feeling It

It’s not that I don’t feel thankful this week. I absolutely do – for many things. But for some reason I am feeling irritable about posting. I was very excited to get my Soup of the Week posts back up and running, even if this week’s turned out to be a consolation prize because I…

By Lisa October 11, 2014 Off

The Lunch Box Master

The Fab Hub is a lunch box master. This is pretty amazing since when we met, the man had no idea how to pack a lunch. In fact, while we were not dating, I used to bring a few extra items in my lunch to share with him since we worked at the same place…

By Lisa October 17, 2013 Off

Once Upon a Time in Third Grade…

She could peg a kid just behind the ear with a stub of chalk from fifty paces. If you misbehaved in her classroom, she knew it before you even thought about doing it and stopped you dead in your potentially insubordinate tracks.  Like dogs smell fear, she could smell a kid attempting to engage in…

By Lisa August 30, 2012 Off